在这篇 SE 文章中,其中有代码lockstep
展示如何在带有列的 Beamer 页面的脚注中放入 BibLatex 引用。
如果一个 Beamer 页面中只有一个引用,它似乎运行良好。
(1) 当一页中有多个引用时。脚注中的数字是错误的(脚注外的数字是可以的),如编译后的 Beamer PDF 中的第 2 和第 3 帧所示。具体来说,脚注中的条目具有相同的前导数字。您能帮忙评论如何解决这个问题吗?
(2)当同一引文在不同的 Beamer 页面上被引用时,引文编号会增加。单个引文可以使用相同的编号吗?
非常感谢 !
shell 命令运行
rm MWE1.aux MWE1.bbl MWE1.bcf MWE1.blg MWE1.log MWE1.nav MWE1.out MWE1.pdf MWE1.snm MWE1.toc MWE1.run.xml ; xelatex MWE1.tex && biber MWE1 && xelatex MWE1.tex && xelatex MWE1.tex
根据 的lockstep
帖子修改的 MWE1.tex
% Alternative A: footnote rule
\renewcommand*{\footnoterule}{\kern -3pt \hrule \@width 2in \kern 8.6pt}
% Alternative B: no footnote rule
% \renewcommand*{\footnoterule}{\kern 6pt}
Day = {30},
Edition = {2},
Month = {jun},
Publisher = {Artech House Publishers},
author = {Taflove, Allen and Hagness, Susan C.},
title = {Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method},
year = {2000},
Day = {30},
Edition = {2},
Month = {jun},
Publisher = {Artech House Publishers},
author = {Jordan, Michael and James, LeBron},
title = {Computational NBA},
year = {2000},
\begin{frame}{The FDTD Method}
\item Discretization of both space and time by central differences.
\item Yee Cell 1.\footnotemark
\rule{0.9\columnwidth}{2cm}% placeholder for graphic
\caption{Unit Yee Cell.}
\begin{frame}{The FDTD Method}
\item Discretization of both space and time by central differences.\footnotemark
\item Yee Cell 1.\footnotemark
\rule{0.9\columnwidth}{2cm}% placeholder for graphic
\caption{Unit Yee Cell.}
\begin{frame}{The FDTD Method}
\item Discretization of both space and time by central differences.\footnotemark
\item Yee Cell 1.\footnotemark
\rule{0.9\columnwidth}{2cm}% placeholder for graphic
\caption{Unit Yee Cell.}
% Alternative A: footnote rule
\renewcommand*{\footnoterule}{\kern -3pt \hrule \@width 2in \kern 8.6pt}
% Alternative B: no footnote rule
% \renewcommand*{\footnoterule}{\kern 6pt}
Day = {30},
Edition = {2},
Month = {jun},
Publisher = {Artech House Publishers},
author = {Taflove, Allen and Hagness, Susan C.},
title = {Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method},
year = {2000},
Day = {30},
Edition = {2},
Month = {jun},
Publisher = {Artech House Publishers},
author = {Jordan, Michael and James, LeBron},
title = {Computational NBA},
year = {2000},
\begin{frame}{The FDTD Method}
\item Discretization of both space and time by central differences.
\item Yee Cell 1.\footnotemark
\rule{0.9\columnwidth}{2cm}% placeholder for graphic
\caption{Unit Yee Cell.}
\begin{frame}{The FDTD Method}
\item Discretization of both space and time by central differences.\footnotemark\addtocounter{colcites}{1}
\item Yee Cell 1.\footnotemark\addtocounter{colcites}{1}
\rule{0.9\columnwidth}{2cm}% placeholder for graphic
\caption{Unit Yee Cell.}