

我使用包制作了以下 MCQ 列表tasks

问题是我需要一个命令来测量每个\task问题的所有 s 的内容并确定它们之间的最大宽度。如果它大于某个宽度(~200pt),它应该更改\task\task*遍历当前问题中的选项以在底部给出输出。





    \node [gray,minimum width=22pt,minimum height=22pt,draw=ChoiceGray,rounded corners] {\large #1};




        \item{Question text here.
                \task Some choice
                \task Another choice
                \task A choice with larger width that will break on two lines
                \task The last one






    \node [gray,minimum width=22pt,minimum height=22pt,draw=ChoiceGray,rounded corners] {\large #1};




        \item{Question text here.
                \task* Some choice
                \task* Another choice
                \task* A choice with larger width that will break on two lines
                \task* The last one




这里我使用作为分隔符的listofitems参数进行初始解析。它循环遍历解析结果并测量最长的一个。如果最长的一个超过了阈值(这里是 200pt),它会构建一个标记列表来替换原始参数中存在的任何内容。\MCQ\task\tasklist\task*\task

OP 的原始语法得以保留。





    \node [gray,minimum width=22pt,minimum height=22pt,draw=ChoiceGray,rounded corners] {\large #1};


  \foreachitem\taskitem\in\tasklist{% MEASURE THE LONGEST TASK
  \ifdim\longtask>200pt\relax% FOR LONG TASKS, EMPLOY \task*
  \def\tmp{ \begin{tasks}[after-item-skip=3mm,label=\ChoiceLabel](2)}%
        \item{Question text here.
                \task Some choice
                \task Another choice
                \task Third choice
                \task The last one
        \item{Question text here.
                \task Some choice
                \task Another choice
                \task A choice with larger width that will break on two lines
                \task The last one




\MCQ{Some choice\\
Another choice\\
A choice with a larger width that will break on two lines\\
The last one

下面是一个可行的解决方案。它使用包中的解析和迭代listofitems以及包中的一些函数etoolbox。关键思想是首先迭代以找到最大宽度,然后迭代构建环境主体tasks。由于对tasks内容的处理非常特殊(我为此使用了来自克莱门斯对于问题任务环境与 pgffors foreach)。如果您使用更标准的环境,则所有内容都可以用四五行来编码。





    \node [gray,minimum width=22pt,minimum height=22pt,draw=ChoiceGray,rounded corners] {\large #1};


% initize
% read tasks
\setsepchar{\\} \ignoreemptyitems
% find maximal width
% choose task version
% populate task list
    \expandafter\noexpand\csname g@addto@macro\endcsname
    \noexpand\taskslist{\usestar \atask}%
% display tasks



\item question 1
\MCQ{Some choice\\
Another choice\\
A choice with a larger width that will break on two lines\\
The last one
\item Question 2
\MCQ{Some choice\\
Another choice\\
With reduced larger width \\
The last one


导致: 在此处输入图片描述


显然,当您已经加载tikz以创建花式标签时,您可以用 替换列表处理和迭代pgf
