\draw[thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (6,0,0) node[left]{$x$};
\draw[thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,6,0) node[right]{$y$};
\draw[thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,4) node[left]{$z$};
\coordinate[label=left:$O$] (O) at (0,0,0);
\draw (-0.2,2,0) -- (0.2,2,0) node[above right]{$c$};
\draw (-0.2,4,0) -- (0.2,4,0) node[above right]{$d$};
\draw[fill=gray!30] (1,2,0) coordinate (b1) -- (4,2,0) coordinate (b2)
-- (4,3.5,0) coordinate (b3)
to[out=0,in=-135] (3,4,0) coordinate (b4) --(2,4,0) coordinate (b5)
to[out=-270,in=0] (1,2,0) coordinate (b6) -- cycle;
\coordinate (Shift) at (0,0,2.5);
\draw (1,2,0) coordinate (m1) edge[dashed] (4,2,0) ;
\draw (4,2,0) coordinate (m2) -- (4,3.5,0) coordinate (m3)
to[out=0,in=-135] (3,4,0) coordinate (m4) --(2,4,0) coordinate (m5)
edge[out=-270,in=0,dashed] (1,2,0);
\coordinate (m6) at (1,2,0);
\coordinate (Shift) at (0.5,0.5,3.5);
\draw[fill,opacity=0.4] (1,2,0) coordinate (t1) --
(4,2,0) coordinate (t2) -- (4,3.5,0) coordinate (t3)
to[out=0,in=-135] (3,4,0) coordinate (t4)
--(2,4,0) coordinate (t5)
to[out=-270,in=0] (1,2,0) coordinate (t6) -- cycle;
\foreach \X in {2,...,5}
{\draw[blue!50!green] (t\X) -- (m\X);}
\draw[dashed,blue!50!green] (t6) -- (m6);
\foreach \X in {1,...,5}
{\draw[dashed] (m\X) -- (b\X);}
\shade[left color=blue!60!green,right color=blue!40!green,opacity=0.4]
(m2) -- (m3) -- (t3) -- (t2) -- cycle;
\shade [left color=blue!40!green,right color=blue!70!green,opacity=0.4]
(m3) to[out=0,in=-135] (m4) -- (t4) to[out=-135,in=0] (t3)-- cycle;
\shade [left color=blue!70!green,right color=blue!75!green,opacity=0.4]
(m4) -- (m5) -- (t5) -- (t4)-- cycle;
编辑: 谢谢敲击和亨利·孟克的帖子这里我能够部分地回答最初的问题。当人们想要画出这些怪异形状的 3D 轮廓时,实际上需要知道极值2D点。我在这里使用@percusse 的技巧,因为我还无法让 Henri Menke 的出色解决方案在 3D 中发挥作用(但我也没有非常努力地尝试)。无论如何,一旦人们能够访问极值点,绘制伪 3D 对象就更加直接了当(尽管仍然比使用渐近线更痛苦),并且使用这个技巧,甚至动画。
% this defines the contour, it may or may not be a plot
\newcommand{\FreakyFunction}[1]{ plot[variable=\x,domain=0:360,samples=100]
\draw[thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (6,0,0) node[left]{$x$};
\draw[thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,6,0) node[right]{$y$};
\draw[thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,4) node[left]{$z$};
\coordinate[label=left:$O$] (O) at (0,0,0);
\draw[fill=gray!30,name path global=shadow] \FreakyFunction{0}
coordinate (BBmax) at (current path bounding box.north east)
coordinate (BBmin) at (current path bounding box.south west);
\path[name path=leftline] (BBmin) to[bend left=0] (BBmin|-BBmax);
\path [name intersections={of=leftline and shadow, name=shadowleft, total=\t}]
\path[name path=rightline] (BBmin-|BBmax) to[bend left=0] (BBmax);
\path[name intersections={of=rightline and shadow, name=shadowright, total=\t}]
\path[name path=topline] (BBmax) to[bend left=0] ([yshift=-0.001pt]BBmin|-BBmax);
% [yshift=-0.001pt] <- sometimes has to help TikZ find the intersection
\path [name intersections={of=topline and shadow, name=shadowtop, total=\t}]
% lower contour
\draw[name path=lower contour] \FreakyFunction{2.5}
coordinate (BBmax) at (current path bounding box.north east)
coordinate (BBmin) at (current path bounding box.south west);
\path[name path=leftline] (BBmin) to[bend left=0] (BBmin|-BBmax);
\path [name intersections={of=leftline and lower contour, name=lowerleft, total=\t}]
\path[name path=rightline] (BBmin-|BBmax) to[bend left=0] (BBmax);
\path [name intersections={of=rightline and lower contour, name=lowerright,
total=\t}] \pgfextra{\typeout{lowerright:\space\t}};
\path[name path=topline] (BBmax) to[bend left=0] (BBmin|-BBmax);
\path [name intersections={of=topline and lower contour, name=lowertop,
total=\t}] \pgfextra{\typeout{lowertop:\space\t}};
\draw[name path=upper contour,fill=MediumSeaGreen,fill opacity=0.3]
coordinate (BBmax) at (current path bounding box.north east)
coordinate (BBmin) at (current path bounding box.south west);
\path[name path=leftline] ([xshift=0.1pt]BBmin) to[bend left=0] ([xshift=0.1pt]BBmin|-BBmax);
\path [name intersections={of=leftline and upper contour, name=upperleft,
total=\t}] \pgfextra{\typeout{upperleft:\space\t}};
\path[name path=rightline] (BBmax) to[bend left=0] (BBmin-|BBmax);
% <- [xshift=-0.1pt] :sometimes one has to help TikZ a bit to find the intersections
\path [name intersections={of=rightline and upper contour, name=upperright,
total=\t}] \pgfextra{\typeout{upperright:\space\t}};
\path[name path=topline] (BBmax) to[bend left=0] (BBmin|-BBmax);
\path [name intersections={of=topline and upper contour, name=uppertop,
total=\t}] \pgfextra{\typeout{uppertop:\space\t}};
\draw (upperright-1) -- (lowerright-1);
\draw (upperleft-1) -- (lowerleft-1);
\draw[dashed] (uppertop-1) -- (lowertop-1);
\draw[gray] (lowerright-1) -- (shadowright-1);
\draw[gray] (lowerleft-1) -- (shadowleft-1);
\path[name path=phl] (shadowtop-1) to[bend left=0] (lowertop-1);
\path [name intersections={of=phl and lower contour, name=vertex,
total=\t}] \pgfextra{\typeout{vertex:\space\t}};
\draw[gray] (vertex-1) -- (shadowtop-1);
\draw[gray,dashed] (vertex-1) -- (lowertop-1);
\shade [left color=blue!40!green,right color=blue!70!green,opacity=0.4]
({2+0.7*cos(\x)},{3.2+0.8*sin(\x)-0.3*cos(2*\x)},3.5) --
(upperright-1) -- (lowerright-1)
({2+cos(\x)},{3+sin(\x)-0.4*cos(2*\x)},2.5) --
(lowerleft-1) -- (upperleft-1) -- cycle;
为了完整性,Henri Menke 的宏非常有效,如果将以下几行替换为假装是曲线的线条因为否则可能找不到交点。使用以下更简单的代码可以获得与上述相同的输出:
\tikzset{name path extrema/.style = {% based on https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/423952/121799
name path global=#1,
path picture={
\coordinate (bl) at (path picture bounding box.south west);
\coordinate (tr) at (path picture bounding box.north east);
\path[name path=minline] (bl) to[bend left=0] (bl-|tr);
\path[name intersections={of=minline and #1, name=#1-bottom}];
\path[name path=maxline] (bl|-tr) to[bend left=0] (tr);
\path[name intersections={of=maxline and #1, name=#1-top}];
\path[name path=leftline] (bl) to[bend left=0] (bl|-tr);
\path[name intersections={of=leftline and #1, name=#1-left}];
\path[name path=rightline] (bl-|tr) to[bend left=0] (tr);
\path[name intersections={of=rightline and #1, name=#1-right}];
% this defines the contour, it may or may not be a plot
\newcommand{\FreakyFunction}[1]{ plot[variable=\x,domain=0:360,samples=100]
\draw[thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (6,0,0) node[left]{$x$};
\draw[thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,6,0) node[right]{$y$};
\draw[thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,4) node[left]{$z$};
\coordinate[label=left:$O$] (O) at (0,0,0);
\draw[fill=gray!30,name path extrema=shadow] \FreakyFunction{0};
% lower contour
\draw[name path extrema=lower] \FreakyFunction{2.5};
\draw[name path extrema=upper,fill=MediumSeaGreen,fill opacity=0.3]
\draw (upper-right-1) -- (lower-right-1);
\draw (upper-left-1) -- (lower-left-1);
\draw[dashed] (upper-top-1) -- (lower-top-1);
\draw[gray] (lower-right-1) -- (shadow-right-1);
\draw[gray] (lower-left-1) -- (shadow-left-1);
\path[name path=phl] (shadow-top-1) to[bend left=0] (lower-top-1);
\path [name intersections={of=phl and lower, name=vertex,
total=\t}] \pgfextra{\typeout{vertex:\space\t}};
\draw[gray] (vertex-1) -- (shadow-top-1);
\draw[gray,dashed] (vertex-1) -- (lower-top-1);
\shade [left color=blue!40!green,right color=blue!70!green,opacity=0.4]
({2+0.7*cos(\x)},{3.2+0.8*sin(\x)-0.3*cos(2*\x)},3.5) --
(upper-right-1) -- (lower-right-1)
({2+cos(\x)},{3+sin(\x)-0.4*cos(2*\x)},2.5) --
(lower-left-1) -- (upper-left-1) -- cycle;