{University of Test}
{Test 2018}
{\begin{itemize} \itemsep -1pt
\item Test
%%% Work experience
\NewPart{Work Experience}{}
\usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} % Colours by their 'svgnames'
\usepackage{lmodern} % Allow arbitrary font sizes
%% Define a new 'modern' style for the url package that will use a smaller font.
\urlstyle{modern} %% And use the newly defined style.
\frenchspacing % Better looking spacings after periods
\pagestyle{empty} % No pagenumbers/headers/footers
%%% Custom sectioning (sectsty package)
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\sectionfont{ % Change font of \section command
\usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n}% % bch-b-n: CharterBT-Bold font
%%% Macros
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\settowidth{\spacebox}{8888888888} % Box to align text
\newcommand{\sepspace}{\vspace*{1em}} % Vertical space macro
\newcommand{\MyName}[1]{ % Name
\Huge \usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n} \hfill #1
\par \normalsize \normalfont}
\newcommand{\MySlogan}[1]{ % Slogan (optional)
\large \usefont{OT1}{phv}{m}{n}\hfill \textit{#1}
\par \normalsize \normalfont}
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % Indentation
\parbox{\spacebox}{ % Box to align text
\textit{#1}} % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{1.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
\newcommand{\SkillsEntry}[2]{ % Same as \PersonalEntry
\noindent\hangafter=0 % Indentation
\parbox{\spacebox}{ % Box to align text
\textit{#1}} % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{1.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
\newcommand{\AwardsEntry}[2]{ % Same as \PersonalEntry
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % Indentation
\parbox{\spacebox}{ % Box to align text
\textit{#1}} % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{1.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Study
\hfill\color{Black}#2}} \par % Duration
\noindent \textit{#3} \par % School
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\newcommand{\WorkEntry}[4]{ % Same as \EducationEntry
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Jobname
\hfill\color{Black}#2}} \par % Duration
\noindent \textit{#3} \par % Company
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Jobname
\hfill\color{Black}#2}} \par % Duration
\noindent \textit{#3} \par % Company
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Jobname
\hfill\color{Black}#2}} \par % Duration
\noindent \textit{#3} \par % Company
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
%\newcommand{\ProjectEntry}[4]{ % Similar to \EducationEntry
% \noindent \textbf{#1} \noindent \textit{#3} \hfill {#2} \par
% \noindent \small #4 % Description
%\normalsize \par}
\newcommand{\AwardEntry}[4]{ % Similar to \EducationEntry
\noindent \textbf{#1} \noindent \textit{#3} \hfill {#2} \par
\noindent \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\MyName{\centerline{Sample Name}}
{University of Test}
{Test 2018}
{\begin{itemize} \itemsep -1pt
\item Test
%%% Work experience
\NewPart{Work Experience}{}