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\renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}} %front matter of document 
\title{X-Ray Tube Operation}

\author{CCDP 2100-Z, Cheryl Cundell}

\date{April 5,2018}


\newpage   %table of contents 





X-ray imaging a fundamental part of modern day medicine \cite{1}. X-ray imaging, also known as radiology, takes advantage of the properties of X-ray radiation to image bones and organs in the human body. The capacity to produce X-ray radiation is fundamental to the practice of radiology. I will be discussing the mechanism of X-Ray production within a component know as a X-ray tube. and why the 



\section{List of figures}

\begin{enumerate} %list of figures and tables etc
  \item Figure 1 Relative energies carried by electromagnetic waves.........pg.2
  \item Figure 2 The main components of an X-ray tube........................pg.3
  \item Figure 3 The flow of current in a X-ray production apparatus.........pg.4
  \item Figure 4 The Mechanism of the Focusing Cup.........pg.6

\section{Nomenclature definitions} 
$F$\hspace{2.5cm}       Force acting upon an electron \newline
$q_e$\hspace{2.5cm}         Charge of electron \newline
$q_2$\hspace{2.5cm}         Charge on cathode or anode \newline
$r $\hspace{2.5cm}          Distance between charges \newline
$m$\hspace{2.5cm}           The mass of an object\newline
$a$\hspace{2.5cm}           The acceleration of an object\newline
$a_e$   \hspace{2.5cm}      The acceleration of an electron in a X-ray tube

\begin{enumerate} %list of figures and tables etc
  \item \textbf{TE} Thermionic Emission
  \item \textbf{DC} Direct Current



\section{X-ray use in Hospitals}%intro

Radiology is a common medical imaging technique due to its ability to diagnose sub-dermal abnormalities in the human body\cite{X1}. This ability to obtain internal images of the human body in a non-intrusive fashion makes X-ray scanning, also known as radiology, a fundamental technology in modern healthcare.

\section{Radiology}    %brackground





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