\documentclass {scrbook}
\usepackage {epigraph}
\setlength \epigraphwidth {\textwidth}
\setlength \epigraphrule {0pt}
\renewcommand {\epigraphflush} {center}
\renewcommand {\sourceflush} {center}
\begin {document}
\chapter {Chapter}
\epigraph {A somewhat long epigraph should be here.} {— Name}
This paragraph text should fill at least a whole line to give a better
idea of what I am doing here.
\end {document}
实际上\renewcommand {\epigraphflush} {center}
将包含题词的小页面居中,但在此小页面内,题词保持对齐。因此,如果题词宽度是文本宽度,您将看不到任何内容,除非您添加\centering command
\documentclass {book}
\usepackage {epigraph}
\setlength \epigraphwidth {\linewidth}
\setlength \epigraphrule {0pt}
\AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand {\epigraphflush}{center}}
\renewcommand {\sourceflush} {center}
\begin {document}
\chapter {Chapter}
\epigraph {\centering A somewhat long epigraph should be here.} {— Name}
This paragraph text should fill at least a whole line to give a better
idea of what I am doing here.
\end {document}