我正在尝试连接包含 parboxes 和数字的表格行,但多行似乎不起作用。有人能帮我吗?下面是一个最低限度的工作示例。谢谢,Jorge。
更新 1:请注意,我确实需要图 B 上方的额外垂直空间(这就是我将其嵌入 \parbox 的原因)。
更新 2:似乎真正的问题是 \tabular 或 \multirow 无法正确考虑由 \parbox 定义的最高单元格的高度。我修改了我的示例以显示该问题。
This works:\\
blah & blah & \multirow{4}{*}{\fbox{Text}}\\
blah & blah & \\
blah & blah & \\
blah & blah & \\
This doesn't work:\\
blah & blah & \multirow{4}{*}{\fbox{\parbox[b][3cm][b]{1cm}{Text}}}\\
blah & blah & \\
blah & blah & \\
blah & blah & \\
% All separate rows
\noindent{}I want to join the rows in the last column of this table (keeping the bottom vertical alignment, so that the bottom of fig. B is now aligned with the "Some other text" line):\\
\parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{Some text}
& \parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{
Some text\\
Some text\\
Some text\\
% I embed Fig. B in a parbox to create the artificial space above it!
% (Also, why it's not aligned to the right, as specified in the tabular options?)
\small{Some other text} & &\\
% Attempt to join rows in right-most column:
\noindent{}Using \emph{multirow} doesn't seem work:\\
\parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{Some text}
& \parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{
Some text\\
Some text\\
Some text\\
& \multirow{2}{*}{
% I embed Fig. B in a parbox to create the artificial space above it!
% (Also, why it's not aligned to the right, as specified in the tabular options?)
\small{Some other text} & &\\
更新:@Bernard 提出了一种解决方法,即调整相邻单元格的高度(见下文),这符合我的特定需求。不过,原始问题(使用 \parbox 元素调整多行单元格高度)仍未解决。
\parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{Some text}
& \parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{
Some text\\
Some text\\
Some text\\
\small{Some other text} & & \multirow{-8.4}{*}{\includegraphics[align=b,width=4cm,height=4cm]{example-image-B}}\\
,即n = no of rows
\usepackage{array, multirow}
\parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{Some text}
& \parbox[t][][t]{4cm}{
Some text\\
Some text\\
Some text\\[1.5cm]
% \\
\small{Some other text} & & \multirow{-8.4}{*}{\includegraphics[align=b,width=4cm,height=4cm]{example-image-B}}\\