如何缩放 Tikz 图片,何时应将其绝对定位

如何缩放 Tikz 图片,何时应将其绝对定位

我已经准备了一个 MWE,在其中我尝试了不同的方法,如何缩放 tikz 图片并进行绝对定位:


Test/.pic = {
    \draw (0, 0) arc[start angle=180, end angle=0, x radius=5cm, y radius=2.5cm] 
            -- ++ (0, 2cm) arc[start angle=0, end angle=180, x radius=5cm, y radius=2.5cm]
            -- cycle;
    \path[draw=none, postaction={decorate},decoration={text along path, 
        text align=center}] (0, 0.5cm) arc [start angle=180,end angle=0,x radius=5cm, y radius=2.5cm];
    \node at (5cm, 1cm) {\fontsize{16mm}{19mm}TEXT};


\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={transform shape}]
    \draw (-1cm, -1cm) rectangle (11cm, 9cm);
    \pic[] at (0, 3cm) {Test};
    \pic[scale=0.25] at (8cm, 0) {Test}; %Scales all but the text along the path
    \begin{pgflowlevelscope}{\pgftransformscale{0.25}}\pic at (4*4cm, 0) {Test};\end{pgflowlevelscope} %Scales and positions right, if I consider the scale factor as an additional multiplication by 4.
    \begin{pgflowlevelscope}{\pgftransformscale{0.25}}\pic{Test};\end{pgflowlevelscope} %Scales but no way to set the position



  1. `\pic[] at (0, 3cm) {Test};':这是参考方法,不需要缩放。(如下图所示,它是顶部的变体)

  2. \pic[scale=0.25] at (8cm, 0) {Test};:正如您在下图中看到的(右下角的变体),代码的问题在于\pic[scale=0.5] ...变体可以正确缩放所有内容,但不能正确缩放定义为的文本text along path

  3. \begin{pgflowlevelscope}{\pgftransformscale{0.25}}\pic at (4*4cm, 0) {Test};\end{pgflowlevelscope}:这是变体,其缩放比例正确,但定位\pic要困难得多。因为在这里我必须记住,将来会应用 1/4 倍的缩放比例,因此必须将坐标乘以 4,才能正确定位。


latex 代码的结果


当我开始写这个问题的答案时,我认为只要把它放在transform canvas图片里面就可以了。但后来我意识到,即使在图片里面,画布变换比例原点默认也是画布原点(而不是图片的原点)。所以只需简单地transform canvas = {scale = ...}移动整个图片即可。为了解决这个问题,我通过围绕图片原点缩放来变换画布。


  Test/.pic = {
    \path (0,0) coordinate (O);
    \begin{scope}[transform canvas = {scale around={#1:(O)}}]
      \draw (0, 0) arc[start angle=180, end angle=0, x radius=5cm, y radius=2.5cm]
            -- ++ (0, 2cm) arc[start angle=0, end angle=180, x radius=5cm, y radius=2.5cm]
            -- cycle;
      \path[draw=none, postaction={decorate},
            text along path,
            text align=center}
        ] (0, 0.5cm) arc [start angle=180,end angle=0,x radius=5cm, y radius=2.5cm];
      \node[transform shape] at (5cm, 1cm) {TEXT};
  pics/Test/.default = 1,
    \filldraw[help lines,blue!35] (-1cm, -1cm) grid (11cm, 9cm) (0,0) circle(2pt);
    \pic at (0, 3) {Test};
    \pic at (0, 2) {Test=.5};
    \pic at (0, 1) {Test=.25};

