使用标准 LaTex 书目时,\cite{key} 不会在文本中显示为数字

使用标准 LaTex 书目时,\cite{key} 不会在文本中显示为数字

我使用 \cite{key} 引用文本中的来源,但“key”部分(包含我引用的作者)中的名称在我的文本中显示在方括号中,而不是仅显示与参考书目中的编号相对应的数字。我的参考书目设置正确,每个项目都有编号。我不确定我是否遗漏了什么。我使用的是 MikTex。我从第 9 章中获取了引用信息http://www.rpi.edu/dept/arc/docs/latex/latex-intro.pdf


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A new experiment has been proposed by MIT researchers in hopes to find information about the the axion. The interesting thing about this particular experiment is that it simulates a magnetar, which is a type of neutron star that generates an incredibly powerful magnetic field; the prototype of the experiment will be about the size of the palm of a hand.\cite{Chu} The experiment uses magnetic coils wound in a toroid, or donut, shape. The researchers claim that an axion in the presence of the magnetic field created by this simulated magnetar will cause the field to waver; this wavering would produce small oscillations at a frequency related to the mass of the axion.\cite{Chu} The experiment ultimately aims to identify the axion's size.\cite{Chu}

\bibitem{Chu}  Chu, Jennifer. "Team simulates a magnetar to seek dark matter particle." \textit{phys.org}. 7 October, 2016. \linebreak \indent https://phys.org/news/2016-10-team-simulates-magnetar-dark-particle.html\#nRlv


