\usepackage{tabularx, multirow, makecell, rotating} %
\settowidth\rotheadsize{List of Abbreviation/accronym}
\cellcolor{gray!30} Abbreviation & \cellcolor{gray!30} Explanation \\
& \cellcolor{blue!30} United state of america
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& \cellcolor{blue!30} New york
\rule[-1em]{0pt}{2.5em} \\
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以下是 MWE:
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Abbreviation & Explanation \\ \tabucline - \endhead % End head definition
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\multicolumn{2}{l}{Continues in the next page...} \endfoot
%Start last foot definition.
%Here the table contents...
&\cellcolor{C1}United state of america \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
&\\ \tabucline -
&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
&\\ \tabucline -
&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
&\\ \tabucline -
&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
&\\ \tabucline -
&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
&\\ \tabucline -
&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\* %\\* This is to force to split the table and separate properly; FDA goes to the next page
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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&\cellcolor{C1}New york \\
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