APA 摘要不正确且标题冗余

APA 摘要不正确且标题冗余

问题 1:输出的 pdf 中摘要向左缩进。如何使其对齐?

问题 2:如何删除/隐藏第 3 页简介前的标题“Airbus”?连续标题已经存在,因此不需要此标题冗余。




\abstract{This paper provides an overview on the history of Airbus, its time evolution from early establishment to present day emphasizing on the information systems and technology. The objectives are to explore how Airbus as a manufacturing company embraced Information Systems and Technology to run its business and transformed into a data driven company. From its day-to-day operation to strategic plans, Airbus' use of information systems and technology has given the company not only a cutting edge advantage over other companies but also set examples how other companies can follow its footsteps. The paper describes several processes showing how Airbus business model is configured to a network infrastructure embellished with information system and technology. It continues how information flows across and up and down the company at various level and helps developing company-customer relationship ensuring quality products and services. Finally, a SWOT analysis is conducted showing room for further opportunities and prolific use of Information system and technology.} 
\keywords{Airbus, information systems, technology}


虽然我不建议将该apa6课程(至少使用该man选项)用于制作 APA 期刊手稿以外的目的,但实际上使用该课程完成您需要做的事情并不太难。

要删除多余的标题,请使用恰当命名的[donotrepeattitle]class 选项。

由于该man模式将所有文本设置为,\raggedright并且 LaTeX 没有内置方法来取消该模式,因此最简单的方法是加载ragged2e提供justifying命令的包。

\title{The Airbus}

\abstract{This paper provides an overview on the history of Airbus, its time evolution from early establishment to present day emphasizing on the information systems and technology. The objectives are to explore how Airbus as a manufacturing company embraced Information Systems and Technology to run its business and transformed into a data driven company. From its day-to-day operation to strategic plans, Airbus' use of information systems and technology has given the company not only a cutting edge advantage over other companies but also set examples how other companies can follow its footsteps. The paper describes several processes showing how Airbus business model is configured to a network infrastructure embellished with information system and technology. It continues how information flows across and up and down the company at various level and helps developing company-customer relationship ensuring quality products and services. Finally, a SWOT analysis is conducted showing room for further opportunities and prolific use of Information system and technology.} 
\keywords{Airbus, information systems, technology}

抽象的 第一页
