amsrefs 包中编辑器的缩写

amsrefs 包中编辑器的缩写

我遇到了一个问题amsrefs,这似乎是一个错误。我知道如果我们只想显示一本书的第一个作者/编辑,我们可以将相应的字段写为Editor={First, Author and others},其中的关键是and others关键字,这将产生和et al.作为参考。



\usepackage[alphabetic]{amsrefs} %author-year

@book {Deligne1999Quantum,
  TITLE = {Quantum fields and strings: a course for mathematicians.
           {V}ol. 1, 2},
  EDITOR = {Deligne, Pierre and others},
  PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI; Institute for
               Advanced Study (IAS), Princeton, NJ},
  YEAR = {1999},
  PAGES = {Vol. 1: xxii+723 pp.; Vol. 2: pp. i--xxiv and 727--1501},
  ISBN = {0-8218-1198-3},
  MRCLASS = {81-06 (81T30 81Txx)},
  MRNUMBER = {1701618},

Just for test, we know that \ocite{Deligne1999Quantum}...

如果我们将样式从 更改为alphabeticauthor-year则上述示例将失败,这是由and othersEDITOR 字段中的 引起的。
