

我是新手,我正在尝试使用 circuiTikz 绘制逻辑图,但不太正确,


我能做些什么来避免线路在不应该合并时合并?另外,有什么方法可以将节点 X 与 R 门中的第一个条目对齐?


    logic ports=ieee,
    logic ports/scale=0.6,


node[not port] (not1) at  (4,7.5) {}
node[not port] (not2) at  (4,6.5) {}
node[not port] (not3) at  (4,5.5) {}

node[nor port, number inputs=3] (norR) at (6,8) {R}
node[nor port] (norS) at (6,6) {S}
node[and port] (andT) at (6,4) {T}

node[or port, number inputs = 3] (orF) at  (8,6) {}

node[] (X) at (2,8.25) {X}
node[] (Y) at (2,4.25) {Y} 
node[] (Z) at (2,3.75) {Z}
node[] at (8.75,6) {F}

(not1) -| (norR.in 2)
(not2) -| (norR.in 3)
(not2) -| (norS.in 1)
(not3) -| (norS.in 2)
(norR.out) -| (orF.in 1)
(norS.out) -| (orF.in 2)
(andT.out) -| (orF.in 3)

(X) -| (norR.in 1)
(X) -| (not3.in)

(Y) -| (andT.in 1)
(Y) -| (not1.in)

(Z) -| (andT.in 2)
(Z) -| (not2.in)



@js-bibra 回答是一种减少纠结的优雅方法,所以去做吧,除非你希望输入严格在左边。



\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}

    logic ports=ieee,
    logic ports/scale=0.6,


node[not port] (not1) at  (4,7.5) {}
node[not port] (not2) at  (4,6.5) {}
node[not port] (not3) at  (4,5.5) {}

node[nor port, number inputs=3] (norR) at (6,8) {R}
node[nor port] (norS) at (6,6) {S}
node[and port] (andT) at (6,4) {T}

node[or port, number inputs = 3] (orF) at  (8,6) {}

% use relative coordinates here, to align with port inputs

node[] (X) at ([xshift=-4cm] norR.in 1) {X}
node[] (Y) at (X|-andT.in 1) {Y}  % in the same place vertical as X!
node[] (Z) at (X|-andT.in 2) {Z}
node[right] at (orF.out) {F}

% not output connections (reverse for staggering, use .out anchor!)
(norR.in 2) --++(-0.5,0) |- (not1.out)
(norR.in 3) |- (not2.out)
(norS.in 1) |- (not2.out)
(norS.in 2) |- (not3.out)

(norR.out) -| (orF.in 1)
(norS.out) -| (orF.in 2)
(andT.out) -| (orF.in 3)

% connection the other way around to easily "stagger" them

(norR.in 1) |- (X)
(not3.in) |- (X)

(andT.in 1) |- (Y)
(not1.in)   --++(-0.5,0) |- (Y)

(andT.in 2) |- (Z)
(not2.in) -- ++(-1,0) |- (Z)






\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}

\newcommand{\gotorail}[2]{\draw (#1) to[short,-*] (#1 -| #2);}


    logic ports=ieee,
    logic ports/scale=0.6,

node[not port] (not1) at  (4,7.5) {}
node[not port] (not2) at  (4,6.5) {}
node[not port] (not3) at  (4,5.5) {}
node[nor port, number inputs=3] (norR) at (6,8) {R}
node[nor port] (norS) at (6,6) {S}
node[and port] (andT) at (6,4) {T}
node[or port, number inputs = 3] (orF) at  (8,6) {};

% input rails
\coordinate (rail) at ([xshift=-5cm, yshift=0.5cm] norR.north);
\foreach [count=\i] \n in {X, Y, Z} {
    \path (rail) ++({\i/2},0) node[above](\n){\n};
    \draw (\n) -- (\n |- andT.south);

% output
\node[right] at (orF.out) {F};

% not output connections
(norR.in 2) --++(-0.5,0) |- (not1.out)
(norR.in 3) |- (not2.out)
(norS.in 1) |- (not2.out)
(norS.in 2) |- (not3.out)

% port connections
(norR.out) -| (orF.in 1)
(norS.out) -| (orF.in 2)
(andT.out) -| (orF.in 3)
% connection the other way around to easily "stagger" them

% input rail connection
\gotorail{norR.in 1}{X}

\gotorail{andT.in 1}{Y}

\gotorail{andT.in 2}{Z}





\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc}

            logic ports=ieee,
            logic ports/scale=0.6,
            between/.style args={#1 and #2}{
                at = ($(#1)!0.5!(#2)$)
        node[nor port, number inputs=3] at (6,7.5) (norR)  {R}
        node[nor port, below=of norR] (norS)  {S}
        node[and port, below=of norS] (andT)  {T}
        coordinate[between=norR.in 3 and norS.in 1] (aux) {}
        node[not port, left=2cm of aux] (not2) {}
        node[not port, left=2cm of norR.in 2] (not1) {}
        node[not port, left=2cm of norS.in 2] (not3) {}
        node[or port, number inputs = 3, right=of norS] (orF)  {}
        node[left=2cm of not3] (Y) {Y} 
        node[right=1mm of Y] (Z)  {Z}
        node[right=1mm of Z] (X)  {X}
        node[right=1mm of orF]   {F}
        (not1) -| (norR.in 2)
        (not2) -| (norR.in 3)
        (not2) -| (norS.in 1)
        (not3) -| (norS.in 2)
        (norR.out) -| (orF.in 1)
        (norS.out) -| (orF.in 2)
        (andT.out) -| (orF.in 3)
        (X)--++(0,2.5cm) -| (norR.in 1)
        (X) |- (not3.in)
        (Y) |- (andT.in 1)
        (Y) |- (not1.in)
        (Z) |- (andT.in 2)
        (Z) |- (not2.in)
