% Contact: Holm Smidt, [email protected]
%% Based on the style files for ACL 2015 by
%% [email protected], [email protected]
\newcommand{\sansserifformat}[1]{\fontfamily{cmss}{ #1}}
\title{Please Read Carefully Detailed Formatting Guidelines for Preparing Your HICSS Final Paper with Author Names}
\author{First Author \\
Affiliation \\
{\underline{ email@domain}} \\\And
Second Author \\
Affiliation \\
{\underline{ email@domain} }\\}
\clearpage% Flush earlier floats (otherwise order might not be correct)
\begin{landscape}% Landscape page
\centering % Center table
This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text & This table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of text & This table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of text & This table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of text \\
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\newcommand{\sansserifformat}[1]{\fontfamily{cmss}{ #1}}
\title{Please Read Carefully Detailed Formatting Guidelines for Preparing Your HICSS Final Paper with Author Names}
\author{First Author \\
Affiliation \\
{\underline{ email@domain}} \\\and
Second Author \\
Affiliation \\
{\underline{ email@domain} }\\}
\onecolumn% Flush earlier floats (otherwise order might not be correct)
\centering % Center table
This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text & This table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of text & This table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of text & This table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of text \\
This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text This table has a lot of text & This table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of text & This table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of text & This table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of textThis table has a lot of text \\
\caption{Table caption}% Add 'table' caption