\hbox 过满警告

\hbox 过满警告



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\section{Lecture 1}
\noindent \textbf{Introduction: the learning goals}


\noindent In previous lectures we did an analysis of a simple two-player co-operative game called the Off Switch Game. What we want to do next is analyze a generalization of that to a more complicated type of game. There are quite a few different definitions in game theory of exactly what a ``game'' is, but we won't get into that. We're just going to work our way towards a precise definition of the class of games that we want to investigate: The Supervision Partially Observable Markov Decision Process, or ``Supervision POMDP''.




  • 线宽较大,放宽了换线的要求。

  • \usepackage{microtype}就在序言的开头,以获得具有更多可变字母宽度的 HZ 算法。这使 TeX 更容易找到断点。

  • 一种适合窄列的字体,如 Times Roman。

  • 无正当理由:\raggedright\RaggedRight包裹ragged2e

  • 放宽打破规则,例如\sloppy\begin{sloppypar}...\end{sloppypar}。代价是糟糕的换行符、未满的行数……

  • 手动干预,添加断行或连字点,重新制定文本以获得更好的换行符。
