我试图分别插入这些图片和那些侧边标题 { a) bla bla, b) bla bla},但到目前为止还没有成功。有时我的工作中有三到四张图片遵循这种模式。我尝试了一些代码,但看起来并不像这样。我想我是不是错过了一些非常简单的东西?
\caption{Image Title}
a) bla bla bla & \includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{image1} \\
b) bla bla bla & \includegraphics[width=0.33\textwidth]{image2}
\label{Image Label}
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/225804/121799
\draw[thick] (0,-0.2) -- (6,-0.2);
\foreach \X[count=\Z,evaluate=\Z as \Y using int(\Z+3)] in {0,3,6}
\draw[thick,-latex] (\X,0.2) -- ++(0,0.8) node[above]{d$_\Y$};
\draw[thick,-latex] ({\X+0.5},0) arc(0:180:0.5) node[left]{d$_\Z$};
\fill (\X,-0.2) circle (1pt);
\fill[pattern=north east lines,thick] ({\X-0.7},-0.7) rectangle
\draw[thick] ({\X-0.7},-0.7) -- ({\X+0.7},-0.7) node[above,anchor=south east] {\Z};
\draw[thick] ({\X-0.3},-0.7) -- (\X,-0.2) -- ({\X+0.3},-0.7);
\path (current bounding box.south) -- ++(0,-0.1);
\draw[thick] (0,-0.2) -- (6,-0.2);
\foreach \X[count=\Z,evaluate=\Z as \Y using int(\Z+3)] in {0,3,6}
\draw[thick,-latex] (\X,-2) node[above right]{f$_\Y$} -- ++(0,0.8);
\draw[thick,-latex] ({\X+0.5},0) arc(0:180:0.5) node[left]{f$_\Z$};
\fill (\X,-0.2) circle (1pt);
\fill[pattern=north east lines,thick] ({\X-0.7},-0.7) rectangle
\draw[thick] ({\X-0.7},-0.7) -- ({\X+0.7},-0.7) node[above,anchor=south east] {\Z};
\draw[thick] ({\X-0.3},-0.7) -- (\X,-0.2) -- ({\X+0.3},-0.7);
\path (current bounding box.south) -- ++(0,-0.1);
\parbox[b]{\LW}{\subcaption{This is the A example image}}
\parbox[b]{\LW}{\subcaption{The B example image.}}\hfill
\parbox[b]{\LW}{\subcaption{This is the A example image}}
\parbox[b]{\LW}{\subcaption{The B example image.}}\hfill
\parbox[b]{\LW}{\subcaption{This is the A example image}}
\parbox[b]{\LW}{\subcaption{The B example image.}}\hfill
\caption{Some subfigures with captions on the left.}