


          & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Settling Time(Ts)} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Overshoot(Osh)}         & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Undershoot(Ush)}      &                             \\ \hline
          & ∆F1         & ∆F2         & ∆Ptie      & ∆F1   (×10-5) & ∆F2 (×10-5) & ∆Ptie (×10-5) & ∆F1 (×10-2) & ∆F2 (×10-2) & ∆Ptie (×10-3) & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{ITAE}   \\ \hline
CSA Fuzzy & 3.1554      & 6.6794      & 8.5512     & 26.8080       & 9.3532      & 5.4168        & 1.8499      & 0.87764     & 2.3624        & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.1253} \\ \hline
CSA 2DOF  & 13.3738     & 14.2868     & 15.8251    & 926.4291      & 1354.1965   & 107.8074      & 2.9397      & 3.6105      & 4.5304        & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.6670} \\ \hline
TLBO 2DOF & 10.6906     & 10.9871     & 10.2651    & 121.6417      & 142.3759    & -             & 2.0035      & 1.8185      & 2.5547        & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.2325} \\ \hline
DE PID    & 12.3215     & 8.2568      & 14.0917    & 198.5436      & 74.6034     & 19.3058       & 2.6396      & 2.1951      & 4.7337        & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.5237} \\ \hline
CSA PID   & 11.7099     & 14.5430     & 22.0996    & 387.3393      & 258.3460    & 44.9078       & 1.9553      & 1.4175      & 3.4565        & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.4157} \\ \hline



(更新了答案,以纳入来自 OP 的关于应该使用哪个文档类别的信息)

除非您使用支持 unicode 的 TeX 引擎(例如 XeTeX 和 LuaTeX)并恰好加载了该unicode-math包,否则您应该首先替换所有by实例和所有by\Delta实例。接下来,由于表格包含 11 列,您需要找到节省水平空间的方法。一种方法是将乘法缩放因子信息放在单独行的标题单元格中。×\times




% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
\usepackage{array}  % for "\newcolumntype" macro
\newcolumntype{L}{>{$}l<{$}} % for 1st col.

\usepackage{amsmath,booktabs,siunitx}  % used in second table

\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt}  % for a marginally more open "look"
\caption{Trying to mimic the OP's screenshot}
& \multicolumn{3}{c|}{$Settling Time $ (T_s)} 
& \multicolumn{3}{c|}{$Overshoot (Osh)$}
& \multicolumn{3}{c|}{$Undershoot (Ush)$} \\ 
& \Delta F_1 & \Delta F_2 & \Delta P_{\mathrm{tie}}   
& \Delta F_1 & \Delta F_2 & \Delta P_{\mathrm{tie}} 
& \Delta F_1 & \Delta F_2 & \Delta P_{\mathrm{tie}}
& $ITAE$ \\
& & & & 
(\times10^{-5}) & (\times10^{-5}) & (\times10^{-5}) & 
(\times10^{-2}) & (\times10^{-2}) & (\times10^{-3}) &  \\ 
CSA Fuzzy&  3.1554  &  6.6794  &  8.5512 &  26.8080 &    9.3532 &   5.4168 & 1.8499 & 0.87764 & 2.3624 & 0.1253 \\ \hline
CSA 2DOF & 13.3738  & 14.2868  & 15.8251 & 926.4291 & 1354.1965 & 107.8074 & 2.9397 & 3.6105  & 4.5304 & 0.6670 \\ \hline
TLBO 2DOF& 10.6906  & 10.9871  & 10.2651 & 121.6417 &  142.3759 & \textrm{--} & 2.0035 &1.8185& 2.5547 & 0.2325 \\ \hline
DE PID   & 12.3215  &  8.2568  & 14.0917 & 198.5436 &   74.6034 & 19.3058  & 2.6396 & 2.1951  & 4.7337 & 0.5237 \\ \hline
CSA PID  & 11.7099  & 14.5430  & 22.0996 & 387.3393 & 258.3460  & 44.9078  & 1.9553 & 1.4175  & 3.4565 & 0.4157 \\ 

\setlength\extrarowheight{0pt}  % back to default
\caption{No vertical lines, fewer but well-spaced horizontal lines}
$\begin{array}{@{} L *{3}{S[table-format=2.3]}
                    *{4}{S[table-format=1.3]} @{}}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{$Settling Time $ (T_s)} 
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{$Overshoot (Osh)$}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{$Undershoot (Ush)$} \\ 
\cmidrule(lr){2-4} \cmidrule(lr){5-7} \cmidrule(lr){8-10} 
& {\Delta F_1} & {\Delta F_2} & {\Delta P_{\mathrm{tie}}}    
& {\Delta F_1} & {\Delta F_2} & {\Delta P_{\mathrm{tie}}}  
& {\Delta F_1} & {\Delta F_2} & {\Delta P_{\mathrm{tie}}} 
& {\mathrm{ITAE}}\\
& & & & 
{(\times10^{-5})} & {(\times10^{-5})} & {(\times10^{-5})} & 
{(\times10^{-2})} & {(\times10^{-2})} & {(\times10^{-3})} &  \\ 
CSA Fuzzy&  3.1554  &  6.6794  &  8.5512 &  26.8080 &    9.3532 &   5.4168 & 1.8499 & 0.87764 & 2.3624 & 0.1253 \\ 
CSA 2DOF & 13.3738  & 14.2868  & 15.8251 & 926.4291 & 1354.1965 & 107.8074 & 2.9397 & 3.6105  & 4.5304 & 0.6670 \\ 
TLBO 2DOF& 10.6906  & 10.9871  & 10.2651 & 121.6417 &  142.3759 & {\text{--}}& 2.0035& 1.8185 & 2.5547 & 0.2325 \\ 
DE PID   & 12.3215  &  8.2568  & 14.0917 & 198.5436 &   74.6034 & 19.3058  & 2.6396 & 2.1951  & 4.7337 & 0.5237 \\ 
CSA PID  & 11.7099  & 14.5430  & 22.0996 & 387.3393 & 258.3460  & 44.9078  & 1.9553 & 1.4175  & 3.4565 & 0.4157 \\ 

