
当我在 TexStudio 中运行代码时,出现错误capacity exceeded
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\bmatlab[lint, lint text = \ltxt{Bode}]{
以下 matlab 代码在哪里
% 1
% 2
% 4
% 8
%% Set 4, Problem 4, Question 1
clear all; close all; clc; ntr = 'Interpreter'; ltx = 'latex'; cl = 'Color'; lw = 'LineWidth'; ls = 'LineStyle'; fs = 'FontSize'; % Use ... to break to the next line
%% Colors
red = [255 0 0]/255; myoranje = [255 128 0]/255; MyGroen2 = [48 213 0]/255; mypurple = [236 0 244]/255; grey = [130 130 130]/255; % Use ... to break to the next line
%% Brighter colors
red7 = [255 164 164]/255; myoranje2 = [255 197 138]/255; MyGroen22 = [171 255 148]/255; mypurple2 = [253 183 255]/255; % Use ... to break to the next line
%% Define omega between 1e-2 and 1e3
omega = logspace(-2,3); N = numel(omega); % Use ... to break to the next line
%% Use the expressions for magnitudes, instead of 20*log10 (base 10) one can use mag2db()
G = 20*log10((sqrt(1+omega.^2))./(sqrt(100+omega.^2))); G1 = 20*log10(sqrt(1+omega.^2));
G2 = 20*log10(1/10)*ones(1,N); G3 = 20*log10(1./(sqrt(1+1./100.*omega.^2)));
%% Use the expression for phase
Gp = atan(omega) - atan(omega./10); Gp_1 = atan(omega); Gp_2 = zeros(1,N); Gp_3 = -atan(1./10.*omega);
%% Plot the figure
figure; subplot(2,1,1)
p1=semilogx(omega,G,cl,red,lw,2); hold on;
p2=semilogx(omega,G1,cl,myoranje,lw,2); p3=semilogx(omega,G2,cl,MyGroen2,lw,2); p4=semilogx(omega,G3,cl,mypurple,lw,2);
p5=semilogx(omega,Gp,cl,red,lw,2); hold on;
p6=semilogx(omega,Gp_1,cl,myoranje,lw,2); p7=semilogx(omega,Gp_2,cl,MyGroen2,lw,2); p8=semilogx(omega,Gp_3,cl,mypurple,lw,2);
%% Use transfer-functions
s = tf('s'); G1 = s+1; G2 = tf(1,10); G3 = 1/(1/10*s+1); G = G1*G2*G3; [Gm,Pm,wGm,wPm] = margin(G);
%% Obtain Bode-data
[G_mag,G_ph,w] = bode(G,omega); [G_1mag,G_1ph,w1] = bode(G1,omega); [G_2mag,G_2ph,w2] = bode(G2,omega); [G_3mag,G_3ph,w3] = bode(G3,omega); % Use ... to break to the next line
%% Reuse array
N = numel(w); N1 = numel(w1); N2 = numel(w2); N3 = numel(w3); G = zeros(2,N); G1 = zeros(2,N1); G2 = zeros(2,N2); G3 = zeros(2,N3);
%% for loop with temporary array and copy to new array, so that 1x1xN --> 1xN
for i = 1:N
G(1,i) = G_mag(1,1,i); G(2,i) = G_ph(1,1,i); G1(1,i) = G_1mag(1,1,i); G1(2,i) = G_1ph(1,1,i);
G2(1,i) = G_2mag(1,1,i); G2(2,i) = G_2ph(1,1,i); G3(1,i) = G_3mag(1,1,i); G3(2,i) = G_3ph(1,1,i);
%% convert lin --> dB (alternative mag2db()), degree --> rad
G_mag = 20*log10(G(1,:)); G_ph = G(2,:)/180*pi; G_1mag = 20*log10(G1(1,:)); G_1ph = G1(2,:)/180*pi;
G_2mag = 20*log10(G2(1,:)); G_2ph = G2(2,:)/180*pi; G_3mag = 20*log10(G3(1,:)); G_3ph = G3(2,:)/180*pi;
%% Plot the figure
subplot(2,1,1); a1 = gca;
ax1_pos = get(gca,'Position'); hold on; semilogx(w,G_mag,cl,red7,ls,'--'); semilogx(w,G_1mag,cl,myoranje2,ls,'--');
semilogx(w,G_2mag,cl,MyGroen22,ls,'--'); semilogx(w,G_3mag,cl,mypurple2,ls,'--'); grid on; ylim([-80 40]); xlim([1e-2 1e3]);
yyaxis left
set(gca,'TickLabelInterpreter',ltx); y=ylabel('Magnitude $20\log_{10}\left(\left|G(j\omega)\right|\right)$ [dB]',ntr,ltx,cl,grey,fs,10);
xlabel('Frequency $\omega$ [rad/s]',ntr,ltx,cl,grey,fs,10); title('Bode magnitude (solid = expression, dashed = \texttt{bode()})',ntr,ltx,cl,grey,fs,10);
l2=legend([p1 p2 p3 p4],{'$G(s)$','$G_1(s)$','$G_2(s)$','$G_3(s)$'},ntr,ltx,'Location','southwest'); l2.FontSize = 7; set(gca,'XColor',grey,'YColor',grey); % Use ... to break to the next line
yyaxis right
a2 = set(gca,'TickLabelInterpreter',ltx,'ytick',0:1/6:1,'yticklabel',{'$10^{-4}$','$10^{-3}$','$10^{-2}$','$10^{-1}$','$10^0$','$10^1$','$10^2$'},'XColor',grey,'YColor',grey);
ylabel('Magnitude $20\log_{10}\left(\left|G(j\omega)\right|\right)$ [lin]',ntr,ltx,fs,10); linkaxes([a1 a2],'x');
subplot(2,1,2); a1 = gca;
ax1_pos = get(gca,'Position'); hold on; semilogx(w,G_ph,cl,red7,ls,'--'); semilogx(w,G_1ph,cl,myoranje2,ls,'--');
semilogx(w,G_2ph,cl,MyGroen22,ls,'--'); semilogx(w,G_3ph,cl,mypurple2,ls,'--'); grid on; ylim([-2/3*pi 2/3*pi]); xlim([1e-2 1e3]);
yyaxis left
xlabel('Frequency $\omega$ [rad/s]',ntr,ltx,cl,grey,fs,10); y=ylabel('Phase $\angle G\left(j\omega\right)$ [rad]',ntr,ltx,cl,grey,fs,10); % Use ... to break to the next line
title('Bode phase (solid = expression, dashed = \texttt{bode()})',ntr,ltx,cl,grey,fs,10);
l4=legend([p5 p6 p7 p8],{'$G(s)$','$G_1(s)$','$G_2(s)$','$G_3(s)$'},ntr,ltx,'Location','southwest'); l4.FontSize = 7; set(gca,'ytick',[-2/3*pi:1/6*pi:2/3*pi]);
set(gca,'yticklabel',{'$-\frac{2}{3}\pi$','$-\frac{1}{2}\pi$','$-\frac{1}{3}\pi$','$-\frac{1}{6}\pi$','0','$\frac{1}{6}\pi$','$\frac{1}{3}\pi$','$\frac{1}{2}\pi$','$\frac{2}{3}\pi$'},'TickLabelInterpreter',ltx); set(gca,'XColor',grey,'YColor',grey);
yyaxis right
a2 = set(gca,'XColor',grey,'YColor',grey,'TickLabelInterpreter',ltx,'ytick',0:1/8:1,'yticklabel',{'-120','-90','-60','-30','0','30','60','90','120'}); % Use ... to break to the next line
ylabel('Phase $\angle G\left(j\omega\right)$ [$^\circ$]',ntr,ltx,fs,10); linkaxes([a1 a2],'x');
如果删除几行 matlab 脚本,它就可以工作,但这不是我想要的。