

我目前正在编写一些 MIP 求解器基准库的文档。这包括每种问题类型的描述。例如,对于 binpacking,我有

\section{Bin Packing Problem}\label{bpp}

We are given $n$ items in an item set $I$ with weights $w_i$, with $i \in I$. 
The items shall be packed into bins (also $n$ many, but we use $B$ as the set 
of bins for the sake of readability) with capacity $C$ such that the number of 
bins used is minimal. We use two types of variables:
  \item $x_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}$ should be $1$ iff item $i$ is packed into bin $j$.
  \item $y_j \in \{0, 1\}$ should be $1$ iff bin $j$ is used.
  \text{minimize }      & \sum_{j \in B} y_j                                            \label{bpp:obj}\\
  \text{subject to }    & \sum_{j \in B} x_{ij} = 1             & i \in I               \label{bpp:setpp}\\
                        & \sum_{i \in I} w_i x_{ij} \leq C y_j  & j \in B               \label{bpp:capacity}\\
                        & x_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}                   & i \in I, j \in B\\
                        & y_j \in \{0, 1\}                      & j \in B

如您所见,目标函数和每个约束都有一个标签。现在,假设这个装箱部分是第 1 部分。因此,标签被命名为 (1.1)、(1.2)、(1.3)。但我希望它们有一个像 (BPP.1)、(BPP.2)、(BPP.3) 这样的名称,即底层问题的一些常见缩写。但是,该部分本身仍应有一个用于目录和其他参考资料的编号。







\newcommand{\setpreeqno}[1]{% set text before equation number
  \ifx\preeqno\empty% if no preeqno was given before
    \def\preeqno{#1}% set to argument
    \ifx\preeqno\empty\else% if an argument was given
      \renewcommand{\theequation}{#1.\arabic{equation}}% set to "arg.#"
      \setcounter{oldeq}{\value{equation}}% save equation counter
      \setcounter{equation}{0}% reset locally to start with "arg.1"
    \def\preeqno{#1}% set to argument
    \ifx\preeqno\empty% if no argument was given
      \renewcommand{\theequation}{\arabic{equation}}% reset to default arabic number
      \setcounter{equation}{\value{oldeq}}% continue counting
      \renewcommand{\theequation}{#1.\arabic{equation}}% set to "arg.#"
      \setcounter{equation}{0}% reset locally to start with "arg.1"

或者在完整的 MWE 中:


\newcommand{\setpreeqno}[1]{% set text before equation number
  \ifx\preeqno\empty% if no preeqno was given before
    \def\preeqno{#1}% set to argument
    \ifx\preeqno\empty\else% if an argument was given
      \renewcommand{\theequation}{#1.\arabic{equation}}% set to "arg.#"
      \setcounter{oldeq}{\value{equation}}% save equation counter
      \setcounter{equation}{0}% reset locally to start with "arg.1"
    \def\preeqno{#1}% set to argument
    \ifx\preeqno\empty% if no argument was given
      \renewcommand{\theequation}{\arabic{equation}}% reset to default arabic number
      \setcounter{equation}{\value{oldeq}}% continue counting
      \renewcommand{\theequation}{#1.\arabic{equation}}% set to "arg.#"
      \setcounter{equation}{0}% reset locally to start with "arg.1"

\section{Bin Packing Problem}\label{bpp}\setpreeqno{BPP}

We are given $n$ items in an item set $I$ with weights $w_i$, with $i \in I$. 
The items shall be packed into bins (also $n$ many, but we use $B$ as the set 
of bins for the sake of readability) with capacity $C$ such that the number of 
bins used is minimal. We use two types of variables:
  \item $x_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}$ should be $1$ iff item $i$ is packed into bin $j$.
  \item $y_j \in \{0, 1\}$ should be $1$ iff bin $j$ is used.
  \text{minimize }      & \sum_{j \in B} y_j                                            \label{bpp:obj}\\
  \text{subject to }    & \sum_{j \in B} x_{ij} = 1             & i \in I               \label{bpp:setpp}\\
                        & \sum_{i \in I} w_i x_{ij} \leq C y_j  & j \in B               \label{bpp:capacity}\\
                        & x_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}                   & i \in I, j \in B\\
                        & y_j \in \{0, 1\}                      & j \in B

This reference looks like \eqref{bpp:obj}.


编辑我通过处理全局计数器改进了代码(受到@egreg 的回答的启发)






\section{Bin Packing Problem}\label{bpp}

We are given $n$ items in an item set $I$ with weights $w_i$, with $i \in I$. 
The items shall be packed into bins (also $n$ many, but we use $B$ as the set 
of bins for the sake of readability) with capacity $C$ such that the number of 
bins used is minimal. We use two types of variables:
  \item $x_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}$ should be $1$ iff item $i$ is packed into bin $j$.
  \item $y_j \in \{0, 1\}$ should be $1$ iff bin $j$ is used.
\text{minimize }   & \sum_{j \in B} y_j 
  \label{bpp:obj} \\
\text{subject to } & \sum_{j \in B} x_{ij} = 1             && i \in I
  \label{bpp:setpp} \\
                   & \sum_{i \in I} w_i x_{ij} \leq C y_j  && j \in B
  \label{bpp:capacity} \\
                   & x_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}                   && i \in I, j \in B
                   & y_j \in \{0, 1\}                      && j \in B

The references to \eqref{bpp:obj} and \eqref{bpp:capacity} are correct.


