



% Font and line spacing settings
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% Customize headings
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%%% Chapter titles

% Chapter heading \titlespacing*{command}{left}{before-sep}{after-sep}[right-sep]
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% Section heading
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% Subsection heading
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% Subsubsection heading
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\usepackage[unicode]{hyperref} %son yükle


\addtocontents{toc}{\hfill \underline{\textbf{Sayfa No}}\par} 

% Page ÖNSÖZ--------------
    \vspace*{0cm} % Top: 40mm olmalı
    {\fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont \textbf{ÖNSÖZ}}\\
\par \lipsum[1-1]

% Page Etik--------------
    \vspace*{0cm} % Top: 40mm olmalı
    {\fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont \textbf{ETİK}}\\
\par \lipsum[1-1]

% Page TOC İçindekiler ---
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{İÇİNDEKİLER} %içindekiler tablosunu içindekilerde gösterir.
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} %Kaç alt başlığın numarasını verecek belirler

\renewcommand{\cftchapleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % dots for chapters



% Spacing between items


% Page Figures Şekiller ---
\renewcommand*\listfigurename{ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ}
\addtocontents{lof}{\par\nobreak\textbf{{\scshape } \hfill} \underline{\textbf{Sayfa No}}\par\nobreak} %{\scshape Şekil} kısmı eklenebilir.


% Page Tables Tablolar ---
\renewcommand*\listtablename{TABLOLAR DİZİNİ}
\addtocontents{lot}{\par\nobreak\textbf{{\scshape } \hfill} \underline{Sayfa No}\par\nobreak}



  \caption{Sample Image}

  \caption{Sample Image 2}
  \label{fig:Sample 2}

DF & DF &    & S  & S  \\
   & S  & DF &    &    \\
   & S  &    & DF &    \\
   & SD &    &    & DF
\caption{Deneme Tablosu Bir}

DF & DF &    & S  & S  \\
   & S  & DF &    &    \\
   & S  &    & DF &    \\
   & SD &    &    & DF
\caption{Deneme Tablosu İki}
  \caption{Sample Image}

  \caption{Sample Image 2}
  \label{fig:Sample 2}

DF & DF &    & S  & S  \\
   & S  & DF &    &    \\
   & S  &    & DF &    \\
   & SD &    &    & DF
\caption{Deneme Tablosu Bir}

DF & DF &    & S  & S  \\
   & S  & DF &    &    \\
   & S  &    & DF &    \\
   & SD &    &    & DF
\caption{Deneme Tablosu İki}






% Font and line spacing settings
\setstretch{1.432818}% <-- 1.00375*1.427465
% Customize headings
% For dummy texts, you can remove it.

% now we need to fix \@chapter

\usepackage[unicode]{hyperref} %son yükle

\newcommand*{\myonevspace}{13.850574pt}% <-- Define a macro \myonehalfvspace
\newcommand*{\myonehalfvspace}{20.775861pt}% <-- Define a macro \myonehalfvspace
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%%% Chapter titles

% Chapter heading \titlespacing*{command}{left}{before-sep}{after-sep}[right-sep]
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% Section heading
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% Subsection heading
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% Subsubsection heading
\titlespacing{\subsubsection}{1cm}{\mytwovspace plus 4pt minus 2pt}{\myonehalfvspace plus 2pt minus 2pt}


%\pagenumbering{gobble} % <---- Why?

\addtocontents{toc}{\hfill \underline{\textbf{Sayfa No}}\par} 

% Page ÖNSÖZ--------------
    \vspace*{0cm} % Top: 40mm olmalı
    {\fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont \textbf{ÖNSÖZ}}\\
\par \lipsum[1-1]

% Page Etik--------------
    \vspace*{0cm} % Top: 40mm olmalı
    {\fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont \textbf{ETİK}}\\
\par \lipsum[1-1]

% Page TOC İçindekiler ---
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{İÇİNDEKİLER} %içindekiler tablosunu içindekilerde gösterir.
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} %Kaç alt başlığın numarasını verecek belirler

\renewcommand{\cftchapleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % dots for chapters



% Spacing between items


% Page Figures Şekiller ---
\renewcommand*\listfigurename{ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ}
\addtocontents{lof}{\par\nobreak\textbf{{\scshape } \hfill} \underline{\textbf{Sayfa No}}\par\nobreak} %{\scshape Şekil} kısmı eklenebilir.


% Page Tables Tablolar ---
\renewcommand*\listtablename{TABLOLAR DİZİNİ}
\addtocontents{lot}{\par\nobreak\textbf{{\scshape } \hfill} \underline{Sayfa No}\par\nobreak}



  \caption{Sample Image}

  \caption{Sample Image 2}
  \label{fig:Sample 2}

DF & DF &    & S  & S  \\
   & S  & DF &    &    \\
   & S  &    & DF &    \\
   & SD &    &    & DF
\caption{Deneme Tablosu Bir}

DF & DF &    & S  & S  \\
   & S  & DF &    &    \\
   & S  &    & DF &    \\
   & SD &    &    & DF
\caption{Deneme Tablosu İki}
  \caption{Sample Image}

  \caption{Sample Image 2}
  \label{fig:Sample 2}

DF & DF &    & S  & S  \\
   & S  & DF &    &    \\
   & S  &    & DF &    \\
   & SD &    &    & DF
\caption{Deneme Tablosu Bir}

DF & DF &    & S  & S  \\
   & S  & DF &    &    \\
   & S  &    & DF &    \\
   & SD &    &    & DF
\caption{Deneme Tablosu İki}


一些注意事项。永远不要使用[h!]来表示浮点数,最好是[!htp];同样,永远不要使用[],它与 相同,[tp]但会发出令人讨厌的警告。





