

当我有 2 页或更多页的目录时,目录标题移动到目录最后一页后出现水平线。是否有任何选项可以强制水平线仅出现在目录的第一页上?当我只有 1 页目录时,输出正常!

我的 MWE:


    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \draw [line width=1pt]
    ($ (current page.north west) + (3cm,-5.5cm) $) -- ($ (current page.north east) + (-1.5cm,-5.5cm) $);




%%begin preamble

%%begin ToC, LoF & LoT renaming 
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\hfill \textit{Table of Contents}}     %%Table of contents name change
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\hfill \textit{List of Figures}}     %%List of figures name change
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{\hfill \textit{List of Tables}}       %%List of tables name change
%%end ToC, LoF & LoT renaming 

%%begin upper case in section and toc

%%end upper case in section and toc

%%begin section/subsection/subsubsection modifying

%%end section/subsection/subsubsection modifying

%%begin new command for generating table of contents, list of figures and list of tables
    \csname phantomsection\endcsname
    \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Figures}
    \csname phantomsection\endcsname
    \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Tables}


%%end new command for generating table of contents, list of figures and list of tables

\graphicspath{{./images/}}      %%images are kept in a folder named images under the directory of the main document

\geometry{paper=a4paper}                                                    %%odabir veličine papira
\geometry{bindingoffset=1.5cm,hmargin={1.5cm,1.5cm},vmargin={1cm,1cm}}      %%podešavanje margina
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\geometry{includefoot=false}                                                %%podešavanje footinga

\setlength{\parindent}{0cm}     %%paragraf uvodni razmak

\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}  %%delete default header line

\newcommand{\thenextpage}{\number\numexpr\thepage+1\relax}      %%new command for next page reference

\renewcommand\cellset{\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.7}}        %%changing linespacing on a single row of a table

%%begin page borders
\SetBgOpacity{100.0}    %% Select opacity
\SetBgScale{1}          %% Select scale factor of logo
\SetBgAngle{0}          %% Select rotation of logo
\SetBgColor{black}      %% Select color
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    ($ (current page.south east) + (-1cm,1cm) $);

    \draw [line width=1.5pt]
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    \node[anchor=north] at ($(current page.north west)+(1.5cm,-1cm)$) {\rotatebox{90}{\makecell[r]{\scriptsize\selectfont Reproduction or any use not conformity with the intended\\
                \scriptsize\selectfont application is not permissible.}}};
    \node[anchor=south] at ($(current page.south west)+(1.5cm,1cm)$) {\rotatebox{90}{\makecell[l]{\scriptsize\selectfont Nachdruck oder Verwendung, die nicht der beabsichtigten\\
                \scriptsize\selectfont Anwendung entspricht, ist nicht zulässig.}}};

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%%begin firstpage footer
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            \bigstrut\\ \cline{3-8}
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            \bigstrut\\ \hline
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            & g
            \bigstrut\\ \cline{7-8} 
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            & g
            \bigstrut\\ \hline
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            & gg:
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        & hh
        & hh
        & hh
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        & \centering hh
        & \centering hh
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%%end default header for all pages; except first page style

%%end preamble
    %%titlepage begin
    \sloppy     %% sprijecava da text ode van margine
    \thispagestyle{firstpage}       %%\fancypagestyle{firstpage}

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    %%end podešavanje margina, headinga i footinga za početnu stranicu

    \vspace*{6cm}                   %%6cm vertical offset
        \Huge Some random text\\
        \large Some random text\\~\\
        \Huge Some random text\\
        \large Some random text
    \vspace*{\fill}                 %%fill page with empty space
    %%titlepage end

    \restoregeometry                %%restore to default header for all pages; except first page style




起初我试图将 tikzpicture 移到前面,但虽然它不占用任何空间(与 相同\hbox{}),但仍导致\tableofcontents向下移动一行,

\usepackage{showframe}% debugging tool

    \AddThispageHook{\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \draw [line width=1pt]
    ($ (current page.north west) + (3cm,-5.5cm) $) -- ($ (current page.north east) + (-1.5cm,-5.5cm) $);


如果您不想使用 tocloft,您可以使用\addtocontents进行格式化。

\usepackage{showframe}% debugging tool

    %\addtocontents{toc}{\hrule height1pt}







\multido{\i = 1 + 1}{27}{\section{title} \lipsum[\i]}


