表格:不使用非零 \aboverulesep 和 \belowrulesep 是否可以有垂直线和单元格颜色?

表格:不使用非零 \aboverulesep 和 \belowrulesep 是否可以有垂直线和单元格颜色?


使用默认垂直间距,表格就被毁了(见表 1);使用零\aboverulesep\belowrulesep垂直线以及单元格颜色“工作”,但垂直间距太窄(见表 2)。

换句话说:我如何修改表 2 以使其具有与表 1 相同的垂直间距?


更新:MWE 更改为更现实的情况(包括不与水平规则相邻的连续行)



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% Tables
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\newlength{\RuleWidthThick}         \setlength{\RuleWidthThick}{1.5pt}


% Table 1: good vertical spacing, ``cut'' cell coloring and vertical lines
\caption{Vertical spacing OK but cell colors and vertical lines appear ``cut''!}
\multicolumn{2}{j}{}& & [17]& [12]& [5]& [13]& [14]\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{}& & Moon& Shibata& Ali& {\small El-Chammas}& Ali \\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{}& \multirowcell{-3}{\textbf{This}\\\textbf{work}}& VLSI'17& ISSCC'17& VLSI'16& ISSCC'15& ISSCC'14\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{Resolution [b]}& \textbf{12}& 10& --& 14& 14& 14\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{Technology [m]}& \textbf{28n}& 28n& 28n& 28n& 180n& 65n\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}\multicolumn{2}{j}{Supplies [V]}& \textbf{0.9}& 1.0& 1.8/$\pm$1.0& 2.5/1.8/0.9& 3.3/1.8& 3.3/2.5/1.2\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{Input range [V$_{pp,d}$]}& \textbf{1.6}& --& 2.0& --& 2.5& 2.0\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}\multicolumn{2}{j}{Sampling rate [Hz]}& \textbf{600M}& 500M& 9G& 2.5G& 500M& 1G\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{ERBW [Hz]}& \textbf{400M}& --& 1.125G& 1.5G& 700M& 1G\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}ENOB& LF in.& \textbf{9.51}& 9.1& --& 10.3& 10.5& 11.2\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}{[b]}& Nyquist& \textbf{9.45}& 9.1& 10.7& 10& 10.3& 11\\
SNDR& LF in.& \textbf{59.0}& 56.7& --& 64& 64.8& 69\\
{[dB]}& Nyquist& \textbf{58.7}& 56.6& 66& 61.7& 64& 68\\
SFDR& LF in.& \textbf{71.9}& 73& 79& 80& 93& 86\\
{[dBc]}& Nyquist& \textbf{72.4}& 69.2& 79& 73& 82& 82\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}\multicolumn{2}{j}{Power [W]}& \textbf{14.5m}& 6m& 2330m& 1150m& 550m& 1200m\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{FoM$_{W}$ [J/c.-step]}& \textbf{34.4f}& 22f& 715f& 463f& 849f& 585f\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{FoM$_{S}$ [dB]}& \textbf{161.9}& 162.8& 152.3& 152.1& 150.6& 154.2\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}\multicolumn{2}{j}{Area [mm$^{2}$]}& \textbf{0.621}& 0.015& 5.1& 14.4& 2.5& 18\\

% Table 2: cell coloring and vertical lines OK, bad vertical spacing (too narrow)
\caption{Cell colors and vertical lines OK but vertical spacing is too narrow!}
\multicolumn{2}{j}{}& & [17]& [12]& [5]& [13]& [14]\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{}& & Moon& Shibata& Ali& {\small El-Chammas}& Ali \\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{}& \multirowcell{-3}{\textbf{This}\\\textbf{work}}& VLSI'17& ISSCC'17& VLSI'16& ISSCC'15& ISSCC'14\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{Resolution [b]}& \textbf{12}& 10& --& 14& 14& 14\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{Technology [m]}& \textbf{28n}& 28n& 28n& 28n& 180n& 65n\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}\multicolumn{2}{j}{Supplies [V]}& \textbf{0.9}& 1.0& 1.8/$\pm$1.0& 2.5/1.8/0.9& 3.3/1.8& 3.3/2.5/1.2\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{Input range [V$_{pp,d}$]}& \textbf{1.6}& --& 2.0& --& 2.5& 2.0\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}\multicolumn{2}{j}{Sampling rate [Hz]}& \textbf{600M}& 500M& 9G& 2.5G& 500M& 1G\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{ERBW [Hz]}& \textbf{400M}& --& 1.125G& 1.5G& 700M& 1G\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}ENOB& LF in.& \textbf{9.51}& 9.1& --& 10.3& 10.5& 11.2\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}{[b]}& Nyquist& \textbf{9.45}& 9.1& 10.7& 10& 10.3& 11\\
SNDR& LF in.& \textbf{59.0}& 56.7& --& 64& 64.8& 69\\
{[dB]}& Nyquist& \textbf{58.7}& 56.6& 66& 61.7& 64& 68\\
SFDR& LF in.& \textbf{71.9}& 73& 79& 80& 93& 86\\
{[dBc]}& Nyquist& \textbf{72.4}& 69.2& 79& 73& 82& 82\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}\multicolumn{2}{j}{Power [W]}& \textbf{14.5m}& 6m& 2330m& 1150m& 550m& 1200m\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{FoM$_{W}$ [J/c.-step]}& \textbf{34.4f}& 22f& 715f& 463f& 849f& 585f\\
\multicolumn{2}{j}{FoM$_{S}$ [dB]}& \textbf{161.9}& 162.8& 152.3& 152.1& 150.6& 154.2\\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor}\multicolumn{2}{j}{Area [mm$^{2}$]}& \textbf{0.621}& 0.015& 5.1& 14.4& 2.5& 18\\


输出(期望输出为表 2,其垂直间距与表 1 相同): 在此处输入图片描述



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% Tables

% Cell coloring
\definecolor{cellHighlightColor}{rgb}{0.933333333333333   0.956862745098039   0.984313725490196}

% Custom dimensions & default values
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% Table 1: good vertical spacing, ``cut'' cell coloring and vertical lines 
\caption{Vertical spacing OK but cell colors and vertical lines appear ``cut''!}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Parameter} & Stage 1 & Stage 2 & Stage 3 & \ColoredCellOneByOne{Total}\\
W$_{M_{Pi}}$, W$_{M_{Ni}}$ & \SI{16}{\micro\meter} & \SI{8}{\micro\meter} & \SI{8}{\micro\meter} & -- \\
W$_{M_{Pbias}}$, W$_{M_{Nbias}}$ & -- & \SI{1.2}{\micro\meter} & -- & -- \\
L$_{M_{Pi}}$, L$_{M_{Ni}}$ & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\SI{30}{\nano\meter}} & -- \\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor} I$_{avg}$ @ \SI{600}{\mega\hertz} & \SI{1.5}{\milli\ampere} & \SI{0.6}{\milli\ampere} & \SI{100}{\micro\ampere} & \SI{2.2}{\milli\ampere} \\
Gain & \SI{16}{\deci\bel} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\SI{26}{\deci\bel}} & \SI{42}{\deci\bel}\\

% Table 2: cell coloring and vertical lines OK, bad vertical spacing (too narrow)
\caption{Cell colors and vertical lines OK but vertical spacing is too narrow!}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Parameter} & Stage 1 & Stage 2 & Stage 3 & \ColoredCellOneByOne{Total}\\
W$_{M_{Pi}}$, W$_{M_{Ni}}$ & \SI{16}{\micro\meter} & \SI{8}{\micro\meter} & \SI{8}{\micro\meter} & -- \\
W$_{M_{Pbias}}$, W$_{M_{Nbias}}$ & -- & \SI{1.2}{\micro\meter} & -- & -- \\
L$_{M_{Pi}}$, L$_{M_{Ni}}$ & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\SI{30}{\nano\meter}} & -- \\
\rowcolor{cellHighlightColor} I$_{avg}$ @ \SI{600}{\mega\hertz} & \SI{1.5}{\milli\ampere} & \SI{0.6}{\milli\ampere} & \SI{100}{\micro\ampere} & \SI{2.2}{\milli\ampere} \\
Gain & \SI{16}{\deci\bel} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\SI{26}{\deci\bel}} & \SI{42}{\deci\bel}\\


输出(期望输出为表 2,其垂直间距与表 1 相同):




  • 序言补充

    \newcommand\mcl[1]{\multicolumn{2}{l|}{#1}} % for shorter table code
  • 将声明更改tabular为:

    \caption{Cell colors and vertical lines OK but vertical spacing is too narrow!}
    \small          % <--- changed
    \begin{tabular}{S{p{0.8cm}} S{p{1.5cm}}|
        >{\bfseries}a|b |b|b |d|b



编辑(2): 使用您的“更现实”的表格,解决方案原理与以前相同(在答案的第一个版本中)。现在我稍微清理一下你的表格(通过定义新命令\mcl)。



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% Tables
\usepackage[table]{xcolor}% <--- changed
\definecolor{cellHighlightColor}{rgb}{0.933333333333333   0.956862745098039   0.984313725490196}
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\newlength{\ColWidthNormal}         \setlength{\ColWidthNormal}{1.40cm}
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\newlength{\RuleWidthThick}         \setlength{\RuleWidthThick}{1.5pt}

% new

\caption{Cell colors and vertical lines OK but vertical spacing is too narrow!}
\small          % <--- changed
\begin{tabular}{S{p{0.8cm}} S{p{1.5cm}}|
    >{\bfseries}a|b |b|b |d|b
\mcl{}  &       & [17]      & [12]      & [5]       & [13]         & [14]       \\
\mcl{}  &       & Moon      & Shibata   & Ali       & El-Chammas   & Ali        \\
\mcl{}  & \multirow{-3}{=}{This\\ work}
                & VLSI'17   & ISSCC'17  & VLSI'16   & ISSCC'15  & ISSCC'14      \\
\mcl{Resolution [b]}
        & 12    & 10        & --        & 14        & 14        & 14            \\
\mcl{Technology [m]}
                    & 28n   & 28n   & 28n       & 28n       & 180n      & 65n   \\
\mcl{Supplies [V]}  & 0.9   & 1.0   & 1.8$\pm$1.0
                                                & 2.5/1.8/0.9
                                                            & 3.3/1.8   & 3.3/2.5/1.2   \\
\mcl{Input range [V$_{pp,d}$]}
                    & 1.6   & --    & 2.0       & --        & 2.5       & 2.0   \\
\mcl{Sampling rate [Hz]}
                    & 600   & 500M  & 9G        & 2.5G      & 500M      & 1G    \\
\mcl{ERBW [Hz]}
                    & 400M  & --    & 1.125G    & 1.5G      & 700M      & 1G    \\
ENOB    & LF in.    & 9.51  & 9.1       & --        & 10.3  & 10.5      & 11.2  \\
{[b]}   & Nyquist   & 9.45  & 9.1       & 10.7      & 10    & 10.3      & 11    \\
SNDR    & LF in.    & 59.0  & 56.7      & --        & 64    & 64.8      & 69    \\
{[dB]}  & Nyquist   & 58.7  & 56.6      & 66        & 61.7  & 64        & 68    \\
SFDR    & LF in.    & 71.9  & 73        & 79        & 80    & 93        & 86    \\
{[dBc]} & Nyquist   & 72.4  & 69.2      & 79        & 73    & 82        & 82    \\
\mcl{Power [W]}     & 14.5m & 6m        & 2330m     & 1150m & 550m      & 1200m \\
\mcl{FoM$_{W}$ [J/c.-step]}
                    & 34.4f & 22f       & 715f      & 463f  & 849f      & 585f  \\
\mcl{FoM$_{S}$ [dB]}
                    & 161.9 & 162.8     & 152.3     & 152.1 & 150.6     & 154.2 \\
\mcl{Area [mm$^{2}$]}
                    & 0.621 & 0.015     & 5.1       & 14.4  & 2.5       & 18        \\


% Tables
\usepackage[table]{xcolor}% <--- changed
\definecolor{cellHighlightColor}{rgb}{0.933333333333333   0.956862745098039   0.984313725490196}

% new

\caption{Cell colors and vertical lines OK but vertical spacing is too narrow!}
\small          % <--- changed
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{S{C} S{C}|
    >{\columncolor{cellHighlightColor}\bfseries}C|C |C|C |
\mcl{}  &       & [17]      & [12]      & [5]       & [13]      & [14]          \\
\mcl{}  &       & Moon      & Shibata   & Ali       & El-Chammas    & Ali       \\
\mcl{}  & \multirow{-3}{=}{\centering   This\\ work}
                & VLSI'17   & ISSCC'17  & VLSI'16   & ISSCC'15  & ISSCC'14      \\
\mcl{Resolution [b]}
        & 12    & 10        & --        & 14        & 14        & 14            \\
\mcl{Technology [m]}
                    & 28n   & 28n   & 28n       & 28n       & 180n      & 65n   \\
\mcl{Supplies [V]}  & 0.9   & 1.0   & 1.8$\pm$1.0
                                                & 2.5/1.8/0.9
                                                            & 3.3/1.8   & 3.3/2.5/1.2   \\
\mcl{Input range [V$_{pp,d}$]}
                    & 1.6   & --    & 2.0       & --        & 2.5       & 2.0   \\
\mcl{Sampling rate [Hz]}
                    & 600   & 500M  & 9G        & 2.5G      & 500M      & 1G    \\
\mcl{ERBW [Hz]}
                    & 400M  & --    & 1.125G    & 1.5G      & 700M      & 1G    \\
ENOB    & LF in.    & 9.51  & 9.1       & --        & 10.3  & 10.5      & 11.2  \\
{[b]}   & Nyquist   & 9.45  & 9.1       & 10.7      & 10    & 10.3      & 11    \\
SNDR    & LF in.    & 59.0  & 56.7      & --        & 64    & 64.8      & 69    \\
{[dB]}  & Nyquist   & 58.7  & 56.6      & 66        & 61.7  & 64        & 68    \\
SFDR    & LF in.    & 71.9  & 73        & 79        & 80    & 93        & 86    \\
{[dBc]} & Nyquist   & 72.4  & 69.2      & 79        & 73    & 82        & 82    \\
\mcl{Power [W]}     & 14.5m & 6m        & 2330m     & 1150m & 550m      & 1200m \\
\mcl{FoM$_{W}$ [J/c.-step]}
                    & 34.4f & 22f       & 715f      & 463f  & 849f      & 585f  \\
\mcl{FoM$_{S}$ [dB]}
                    & 161.9 & 162.8     & 152.3     & 152.1 & 150.6     & 154.2 \\
\mcl{Area [mm$^{2}$]}
                    & 0.621 & 0.015     & 5.1       & 14.4  & 2.5       & 18        \\

其结果与第一个 mwe 类似:

