这是 MWE
mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{>}}},postaction={decorate}}}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes, row sep=3em, column sep=3em]
(1,1) & (1,2) & (1,3) & \ldots \\
(2,1) & (2,2) & (2,3) & \ldots \\
(3,1) & (3,2) & (3,3) & \ldots \\
\vdots \\
\draw[->-=.6] (m-1-1.north east) -- (m-1-1.south west) node[midway,sloped,above=.5cm] {1};
\draw[->-=.5] (m-1-2.north east) -- (m-2-1.south west) node[near end,xshift=-.2cm,sloped,above=.3cm] {3};
\path (m-1-2.north east) -- (m-2-1.south west) node[near end,xshift=3cm,sloped,above=.3cm] {2};
\draw[->-=.3] (m-1-3.north east) -- (m-3-1.south west) node[midway,above=.2cm,xshift=.5cm,sloped] {5} node[near end,xshift=-.6cm,above=.3cm,sloped] {6};
\path (m-1-3.north east) -- (m-3-1.south west) node[near end,xshift=5.1cm,above=.3cm,sloped] {4};
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
->-/.style = {decoration={markings,
mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{latex}}},postaction={decorate},
very thick, shorten >=-1mm, shorten <=-1mm},
base/.style = {font=\scriptsize, sloped, above},
rlbl/.style = {base, at start}, % for nodes on the right end of arrows
llbl/.style = {base, at end}, % for nodes on the left end of arrows
\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes, row sep=1em, column sep=1em]
(1,4) & (1,2) & (1,3) & \ldots \\
(2,1) & (2,2) & (2,3) & \ldots \\
(3,1) & (3,2) & (3,3) & \ldots \\
\vdots & & & \\
\begin{scope}[transparency group, fill opacity=0.5,]
\draw[->-=.6] (m-1-1.north east) -- (m-1-1.south west) node[rlbl] {1};
\draw[->-=.5] (m-1-2.north east) -- (m-2-1.south west) node[llbl] {3} node[rlbl] {2};
\draw[->-=.3] (m-1-3.north east) -- (m-3-1.south west) node[llbl] {5} node[rlbl] {4};
编辑(2): 考虑到评论帐篷和玛丽安· G.为了提高斜线的平行度:
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
->-/.style = {decoration={markings,
mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{latex}}},postaction={decorate},
very thick},
base/.style = {font=\scriptsize, sloped, above=0.1ex},
rlbl/.style = {base, xshift=-1.0em, at start}, % for nodes on the right end of arrows
llbl/.style = {base, xshift= 1.5em, at end}, % for nodes on the left end of arrows
\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes,
nodes={minimum width=2em, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
row sep=1.64ex, column sep=1.64em]
(1,1) & (1,2) & (1,3) & \ldots \\
(2,1) & (2,2) & (2,3) & \ldots \\
(3,1) & (3,2) & (3,3) & \ldots \\
\vdots &\vdots &\vdots & \ddots \\
\begin{scope}[transparency group, fill opacity=0.5,]
\draw[->-=.6] (m-1-1.north east) -- (m-1-1.south west) node[rlbl] {1};
\draw[->-=.5] (m-1-2.north east) -- (m-2-1.south west) node[llbl] {3} node[rlbl] {2};
\draw[->-=.3] (m-1-3.north east) -- (m-3-1.south west) node[llbl] {6} node[base,pos=0.5] {5} node[rlbl] {4};