我对 beamer 中分割帧中的命令编号有疑问\footfullcite{}
\usepackage[language=english, backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}
year = {2001},
title = {Example title 1},
author = {John One}
year = {2002},
title = {Example title 2},
author = {John Two}
\begin{frame}{Example frame 1}
Text on frame that doesn't change.\\
%This citation should be marked with a 1
\only<1>{Special text foo1 to be cited \footfullcite{foo1}}
%This citation should be marked with a 2, as it is the second citation and different from the first citation
\only<2>{Another special text to be cited \footfullcite{foo2}}
%This should be marked once again with 1, as it was already cited before.
\only<3>{Another passage of special text foo1 to be citeted \footfullcite{foo1}}
\begin{frame}{Example frame 2}
%The reference on a new frame should get the same marker if it was already cited (here it should get a 2)
New frame with reference to already referenced text \footfullcite{foo2}
%The bibliography of all cited texts.
%It should be sorted in citation-order and have a citation-number item instead of the image [e.g. [1]~\cite{foo1}].
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric, sorting=none]{biblatex}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\insertbiblabel}
year = {2001},
title = {Example title 1},
author = {John One}
year = {2002},
title = {Example title 2},
author = {John Two}
\begin{frame}{Example frame 1}
Text on frame that doesn't change.
%This citation should be marked with a 1
\only<1>{Special text foo1 to be cited \supercite{foo1}}
%This citation should be marked with a 2, as it is the second citation and different from the first citation
\only<2>{Another special text to be cited \supercite{foo2}}
%This should be marked once again with 1, as it was already cited before.
\only<3>{Another passage of special text foo1 to be citeted \supercite{foo1}}
\begin{frame}{Example frame 2}
%The reference on a new frame should get the same marker if it was already cited (here it should get a 2)
New frame with reference to already referenced text \supercite{foo2}
%The bibliography of all cited texts.
%It should be sorted in citation-order and have a citation-number item instead of the image [e.g. [1]~\cite{foo1}].
这只是一个简单的技巧,缺点请参见moewes 评论。
\usepackage[language=english, backend=biber, style=numeric]{biblatex}
year = {2001},
title = {Example title 1},
author = {John One}
year = {2002},
title = {Example title 2},
author = {John Two}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[text]
\begin{frame}{Example frame 1}
Text on frame that doesn't change.\\
%This citation should be marked with a 1
\only<1>{Special text foo1 to be cited \cite{foo1}}
%This citation should be marked with a 2, as it is the second citation and different from the first citation
\only<2>{Another special text to be cited \cite{foo2}}
%This should be marked once again with 1, as it was already cited before.
\only<3>{Another passage of special text foo1 to be citeted \cite{foo1}}
\begin{frame}{Example frame 2}
%The reference on a new frame should get the same marker if it was already cited (here it should get a 2)
New frame with reference to already referenced text \cite{foo2}
%The bibliography of all cited texts.
%It should be sorted in citation-order and have a citation-number item instead of the image [e.g. [1]~\cite{foo1}].