我想使用 Merriweather 作为我的衬线字体,但默认字体大小太大,使得文档看起来不平衡。
我怎样才能使 Merriweather 变小,以便它与其他字体更好地匹配?我不想缩放所有字体(使用relscale
% comment out this line to remove Merriweather
\title{Fonts for \LaTeX}
Inline Math $x=4$ more text. An inline link \url{https://www.gogole.com}.
\Delta G^{\circ}= -R\,T\ln \dfrac{[S_1][S_2]}{[S_1S_2]}.
Some text \texttt{Hello World} and more\footnote{A footnote to test the font size of footnotes.}.
\subsection{Subsection Title}
\subsubsection{Subsubsection Title}
% comment out this line to remove Merriweather
\title{Fonts for \LaTeX}
\renewcommand\Merriweather@scale{0.5} %adapt to your liking
Inline Math $x=4$ more text. An inline link \url{https://www.gogole.com}.
\Delta G^{\circ}= -R\,T\ln \dfrac{[S_1][S_2]}{[S_1S_2]}.
Some text \texttt{Hello World} and more\footnote{A footnote to test the font size of footnotes.}.
\subsection{Subsection Title}
\subsubsection{Subsubsection Title}
我将字体减小到 10 pt,并稍微增加了数学字体的字符。希望没问题。另请参阅此链接:http://www.ctex.org/documents/packages/special/moresize.pdf翻到第 5 页。
% comment out this line to remove Merriweather
\title{Fonts for \LaTeX}
Inline Math $x=4$ more text. An inline link \url{https://www.google.com}.
\Delta G^{\circ}= -R\,T\ln \dfrac{[S_1][S_2]}{[S_1S_2]}.
Some text \texttt{Hello World} and more\footnote{A footnote to test the font size of footnotes.}.
\subsection{Subsection Title}
\subsubsection{Subsubsection Title}