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\section*{Appendix I (Benchmark IEC microgrid data)}
\item Utility: rated short-circuit MVA=1000, f=60 Hz, rated kV=120, $V_{base}$=120 kV.
\item Distributed Generations (DGs):
\item DG1, DG3: synchronous generator with rated MVA=9, f=60Hz, rated kV=2.4, Inertia constant H=1.07 s, friction factor F=0.1 pu, Rs=0.0036 pu, $Xd$=1.56 pu, $Xd^\prime$=0.296 pu, $Xd^{\prime\prime}$=0.177 pu, $Xq$=1.06 pu, $Xq^{\prime\prime}$=0.177 pu, $Xl$=0.052 pu, $Td^\prime$=3.7 s, $Td^{\prime\prime}$=0.05 s, $Tq0^{\prime\prime}$=0.05 s.



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\chapter{Benchmark IEC microgrid data}

\item Utility: rated short-circuit MVA=1000, f=60 Hz, rated kV=120, $V_{base}$=120 kV.
\item Distributed Generations (DGs):
\item DG1, DG3: synchronous generator with rated MVA=9, f=60Hz, rated kV=2.4, Inertia constant H=1.07 s, friction factor F=0.1 pu, Rs=0.0036 pu, $Xd$=1.56 pu, $Xd^\prime$=0.296 pu, $Xd^{\prime\prime}$=0.177 pu, $Xq$=1.06 pu, $Xq^{\prime\prime}$=0.177 pu, $Xl$=0.052 pu, $Td^\prime$=3.7 s, $Td^{\prime\prime}$=0.05 s, $Tq0^{\prime\prime}$=0.05 s.

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