我正在尝试制作一个学术日历包。我知道市面上有很多这样的包,我浏览过很多,但似乎找不到我喜欢的。由于我(通常)对 LaTeX 相当熟练,所以我想我可以自己写一个。这导致了一个有点烦人的问题,应该很容易解决,但我似乎无法解决。
目前,日历生成得很好,除了在日历上填充日期时出现一个小问题。我将在底部包含所有 .sty 文件,但它很长而且仍然很粗糙(仍在写草稿),所以我将在这里提取重要部分;
\newcommand{\dayContent}[3]{% This puts content on the given day of the calendar.
% Syntax: \dayContent{Month}{Day}{Agenda}
% Renews the content of the command for day "Day" and month "Month" to display "Agenda"
\expandafter\def\csname calendarDay#2Month#1\endcsname{%
{\raggedleft #2}% We want dates in the top right corner
\scriptsize #3% Calendars are small, write inside it small.
在我生成了必要的命令并确定要显示的月份(全部在下面的 termCalendar.sty 代码中)之后,我使用 printCalendar 命令打印所有内容;
\newcommand{\printCalendar}{% The user command to make the calendar
\setcounter{monthMax}{\arabic{MonthOne}}% Start with the first Month
\stepcounter{curMonthNum}% Step counter to get the right number of days
{\large \bfseries \curMonthText}% Print month's name at head
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|X|X|X|X|X|r|}% Print Month's Calendar Heading
\hline \textbf{Sun}& \textbf{Monday}& \textbf{Tuesday}& \textbf{Wednesday}& \textbf{Thursday}& \textbf{Friday}& \textbf{Sat}\\ \hline\hline
\genFirstWeek% This will generate the first week, we need to be careful about semesters where the month ends in the same week the semester starts.
\genLastWeek\\ \hline% In this case we only need a first and last week Otherwise there would be as many \genFullWeek commands between the genFirst and genLast as we need.
([ ] 中的以下文本不再准确,请参阅下面的编辑;不再使用嵌套的表格环境,因为换行符不会中断 tabularx)[我需要将换行符包含在某个内容中,以便换行符不会渗透到 tabularx 环境中并产生错误。目前,我正尝试将内容包装在表格环境中(从而将表格环境嵌套在 tabularx 环境中),这……有点有效。]
First Day Of Class\\
\textbf{Intro \& Syllabus}}
问题是,它有一个小的缩进,无论如何我都无法摆脱它。([ ] 中不再相关的文本)[您可能会看到@{}
?因为答案表明不需要,但无论如何它都不起作用)。无论如何,嵌套表格环境是因为]我无法弄清楚如何让 minipage 以任何有意义的方式工作......理想情况下,我希望每个日历日单元格都是它自己的 minipage,但我不知道如何做到这一点。
问题已由 David Carlisle 解决,请参阅下面的评论)此外,还有一个不太重要但有点令人厌烦的问题;\raggedleft
和甚至之类的东西之后\hspace{(negative length)}
编辑 正如 David Carlisle 在下面的评论中指出的那样,事实证明 tabularx 会生成 p 列,因此支持换行符。幸运的是,这意味着我可以放弃嵌套的表格环境。不幸的是,我仍然得到完全相同的行为,即日历日单元格内每行开头的小缩进。
% Tex Type: Latex2e
% Provides Package:
% Required Packages for this style file
% New Counters
\newcounter{term}% Easier to track terms by a numeric value and have a detection for people sucking at writing terms.
\newcounter{Iteration1}% Generic Iteration Variable
\newcounter{dayVal}% Counter for the day's date.
\newcounter{monthVal}% Current month number
\newcounter{monthMax}% Current month's total days
\newcounter{firstDay}% First day of the month's location. 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.
\newcounter{curMonthNum}% Cuurrent Month number.
%New Commands:
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Fall}}{\setcounter{term}{1}}% Set "Fall" to value 1
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{fall}}{\setcounter{term}{1}}% Set "fall" to value 1
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Spring}}{\setcounter{term}{2}}% Set "Spring" to value 2
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{spring}}{\setcounter{term}{2}}% Set "Spring" to value 2
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{SummerC}}{\setcounter{term}{3}}% Set "SummerC" to value 3
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{summerC}}{\setcounter{term}{3}}% Set "summerC" to value 3
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Summerc}}{\setcounter{term}{3}}% Set "Summerc" to value 3
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{summerc}}{\setcounter{term}{3}}% Set "summerc" to value 3
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{SummerA}}{\setcounter{term}{4}}% Set "SummerA" to value 4
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{summerA}}{\setcounter{term}{4}}% Set "summerA" to value 4
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Summera}}{\setcounter{term}{4}}% Set "Summera" to value 4
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{summera}}{\setcounter{term}{4}}% Set "summera" to value 4
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{SummerB}}{\setcounter{term}{5}}% Set "SummerB" to value 5
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{summerB}}{\setcounter{term}{5}}% Set "summerB" to value 5
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Summerb}}{\setcounter{term}{5}}% Set "Summerb" to value 5
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{summerb}}{\setcounter{term}{5}}% Set "summerb" to value 5
\PackageError{calendar}{Unrecognized Term #1! Please enter "Fall", "Spring", "SummerC", "SummerA", or "SummerB"}
\genDays% Populate Calendar numbers
\ifthenelse{\expandafter\equal{\arabic{term}}{1}}{% If the term is 1, then it's Fall, ie August through December
\setcounter{countMonth}{5}% Term spans 5 months in total
\setcounter{curMonthNum}{8}% Term starts on month 8
\setcounter{MonthOne}{31}% First month aka August has 31 days
\setcounter{MonthTwo}{30}% Second Month, aka September
\setcounter{MonthThree}{31}% Third Month, aka October
\setcounter{MonthFour}{30}% Fourth Month, aka November
\setcounter{MonthFive}{31}% Fifth Month, aka December
}% End of Fall term options
\ifthenelse{\expandafter\equal{\arabic{term}}{2}}{% Else, if it's Spring
\setcounter{curMonthNum}{1}% Term starts on month 1
\setcounter{MonthOne}{31}% First month aka January has 31 days
\setcounter{MonthTwo}{28}% Second Month, aka February
\setcounter{MonthThree}{31}% Third Month, aka March
\setcounter{MonthFour}{30}% Fourth Month, aka April
\setcounter{MonthFive}{31}% Fifth Month, aka May
}% End of Spring Term options
\ifthenelse{\expandafter\equal{\arabic{term}}{3}}{% Else, if it's SummerC
\setcounter{curMonthNum}{5}% Term starts on month 5
\setcounter{MonthOne}{31}% First month aka May has 31 days
\setcounter{MonthTwo}{30}% Second Month, aka June
\setcounter{MonthThree}{31}% Third Month, aka July
\setcounter{MonthFour}{31}% Fourth Month, aka August
}% End of Spring Term options
{}% Else... not yet implemented.
\newcommand{\genFirstWeek}{% Generate the first week of the month
\ifthenelse{\arabic{dayVal}>\arabic{firstOfMonth}}{% First check if we are starting at the start of the month, or somewhere partway in.
%If we are starting partway through the month, it's the first month, in which case we can populate tiles all week until we hit the end of the month.
\addtocounter{endWeek}{6}% Add 6 to offset the < sign below.
\ifthenelse{\arabic{endWeek}<31}{% If there is room for a full week of dates then do so
{% If there is not enough room, then we are on the last week of the month, so we can use lastweek
}% End of the case where we are starting partway through the month. Now we may assume we are starting at the beginning.
{% Begin of case where we are starting at the first of the month.
\forloop{Iteration1}{2}{\arabic{Iteration1} < 8}{
\ifthenelse{\arabic{firstOfMonth}<\arabic{Iteration1}}{% Now, check to make sure we are populating the month, starting on the correct day of the week. If so, use a dated tile.
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname &
{% If this isn't the correct day of the week to start, then don't use a dated tile.
\formCell{} &
% We still need to add one last dated tile to the list.
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname
}% End of case where we are starting at the first of the month.
\newcommand{\genLastWeek}{%Generate the last week of the month
\stepcounter{monthMax}% Step the "last day" counter because forloops and ifthenelse don't like <= or >=
\forloop{Iteration1}{1}{\arabic{Iteration1} < 7}{% Use forloop to place a dated tile or a blank tile as necessary
% \arabic{firstOfMonth}
% \arabic{monthMax}
% \arabic{dayVal}
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname &}
\addtocounter{monthMax}{-1}% Undo the step counter from above because we want to check equality now, not inequality
\ifthenelse{\arabic{dayVal}=\arabic{monthMax}}{% If it is equal, use another dated tile.
% \setcounter{firstOfMonth}{1}% This also means the last dated tile is a Saturday, so reset firstofMonth too.
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname}
{% Otherwise, use a blank tile.
\setcounter{dayVal}{1}% Reset to finding the first day of the week.
%%%% Commands to populate the calendar
\newcommand{\genFullWeek}{% Generate a week in the calendar; Requires pre-set dayVal and monthVal counters.
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname &
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname &
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname &
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname &
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname &
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname &
\csname calendarDay\arabic{dayVal}Month\arabic{monthVal}\endcsname \\
{\raggedleft #1}% We want dates in the top right corner
\newcommand{\genDayCommands}[2]{% This command will generate 7 days for the month of #1.
\forloop{Iteration1}{1}{\arabic{Iteration1} < \arabic{monthMax}}{
\expandafter\def\csname calendarDay\arabic{Iteration1}Month#1\endcsname{
\newcommand{\dayContent}[3]{% This puts content on the given day of the calendar.
% Syntax: \dayContent{Month}{Day}{Agenda}
% Renews the content of the command for day "Day" and month "Month" to display "Agenda"
\expandafter\def\csname calendarDay#2Month#1\endcsname{%
{\raggedleft #2}% We want dates in the top right corner
\scriptsize #3
\newcommand{\monthLabel}{% Used to generate the month label at the top of the given month's calendar.
}}}}}}}}}}}}% Closing all the above ifthenelse statements
\newcommand{\printCalendar}{% The user command to make the calendar
{\large \bfseries \curMonthText}
\hline \textbf{Sun}& \textbf{Monday}& \textbf{Tuesday}& \textbf{Wednesday}& \textbf{Thursday}& \textbf{Friday}& \textbf{Sat}\\ \hline\hline
\genFirstWeek% This will generate the first week, we need to be careful about semesters where the month ends in the same week the semester starts.
\genLastWeek\\ \hline
{\large \bfseries \curMonthText}
\hline \textbf{Sun}& \textbf{Monday}& \textbf{Tuesday}& \textbf{Wednesday}& \textbf{Thursday}& \textbf{Friday}& \textbf{Sat}\\ \hline\hline
\genFirstWeek\\ \hline% This will generate the first week, we need to be careful about semesters where the month ends in the same week the semester starts.
\genLastWeek\\ \hline
{\large \bfseries \curMonthText}
\hline \textbf{Sun}& \textbf{Monday}& \textbf{Tuesday}& \textbf{Wednesday}& \textbf{Thursday}& \textbf{Friday}& \textbf{Sat}\\ \hline\hline
\genFirstWeek\\ \hline% This will generate the first week, we need to be careful about semesters where the month ends in the same week the semester starts.
\genLastWeek\\ \hline
{\large \bfseries \curMonthText}
\hline \textbf{Sun}& \textbf{Monday}& \textbf{Tuesday}& \textbf{Wednesday}& \textbf{Thursday}& \textbf{Friday}& \textbf{Sat}\\ \hline\hline
\genFirstWeek\\ \hline% This will generate the first week, we need to be careful about semesters where the month ends in the same week the semester starts.
\genLastWeek\\ \hline
{\large \bfseries \curMonthText}
\hline \textbf{Sun}& \textbf{Monday}& \textbf{Tuesday}& \textbf{Wednesday}& \textbf{Thursday}& \textbf{Friday}& \textbf{Sat}\\ \hline\hline
\genFirstWeek\\ \hline% This will generate the first week, we need to be careful about semesters where the month ends in the same week the semester starts.