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\title{xxx}%replace X with the appropriate number
\author{xxx\\ %replace with your name
xxx} %if necessary, replace with your course title


\begin{exercise}{1} Consider the PDE \[ u_{xx} - 2u_{xy} - 3u_{yy} = 0 \]

(i) Show that this PDE is hyperbolic. \\
%Note 1: The * tells LaTeX not to number the lines.  If you remove the *, be sure to remove it below, too.
%Note 2: Inside the align environment, you do not want to use $-signs.  The reason for this is that this is already a math environment. This is why we have to include \text{} around any text inside the align environment.
A second-order linear PDE in two variables is an equation of the form
Au_{xx} + Bu_{xy} + Cu_{yy} + Du_{x} + Eu_{y} + Fu = G,

where $A, B, C, D, E, F,$ and $G$ can be constants or given functions of $x$ and $y$.


我希望能够将我的练习细分为 (i)、(ii)、(iii) 等。然后我希望能够按照 (i)、(ii) 等的对齐方式编写我的解决方案,而不会出现文本错位的情况,如上例所示(见下图)。因此,与练习 1 相关的所有工作都整齐地归入练习 1 的对齐方式,练习 1 (i) 对齐方式下的所有工作都整齐地归入练习 1 (i) 的对齐方式,等等。



在上图中,Exercise 1应排在最前面,然后(i)排在第二位,并对齐到其下方。然后其他所有内容都应对齐到其下方(i)





\usepackage[margin=1in, showframe]{geometry}


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\title{xxx}%replace X with the appropriate number
\author{xxx\\ %replace with your name
xxx} %if necessary, replace with your course title


\begin{exercise}{1} Consider the PDE \[ u_{xx} - 2u_{xy} - 3u_{yy} = 0 \]

\begin{enumerate}[label=(\roman*), leftmargin=*, listparindent=0pt]
\item Show that this PDE is hyperbolic.

%Note 1: The * tells LaTeX not to number the lines. If you remove the *, be sure to remove it below, too.
%Note 2: Inside the align environment, you do not want to use $-signs. The reason for this is that this is already a math environment. This is why we have to include \text{} around any text inside the align environment.
A second-order linear PDE in two variables is an equation of the form
Au_{xx} + Bu_{xy} + Cu_{yy} + Du_{x} + Eu_{y} + Fu = G,
where $A, B, C, D, E, F,$ and $G$ can be constants or given functions of $x$ and $y$.
\begin{enumerate}[label=(\roman*), wide=2.5em, leftmargin=*, labelsep =-0.5em, listparindent=0pt]
\item Show that this PDE is hyperbolic.

%Note 1: The * tells LaTeX not to number the lines. If you remove the *, be sure to remove it below, too.
%Note 2: Inside the align environment, you do not want to use $-signs. The reason for this is that this is already a math environment. This is why we have to include \text{} around any text inside the align environment.
A second-order linear PDE in two variables is an equation of the form
Au_{xx} + Bu_{xy} + Cu_{yy} + Du_{x} + Eu_{y} + Fu = G,
where $A, B, C, D, E, F,$ and $G$ can be constants or given functions of $x$ and $y$.


