我遇到了一个奇怪的问题 - 问题实际上与 diagrams 包无关,但从某种意义上说,问题就出在这里 - 有人能发现我做错了什么吗?或者我应该怎么做才能解决这个问题?
我正在按照 Emily Riehl 的“上下文中的范畴理论”在 texStudio 中做笔记,使用 Paul Taylor 的交换图包;效果很好。
我现在还将所有定义提取为闪存卡,以便导入 AnkiDroid 2.1 - 这也很好用,除了图表中的箭头是斜的。我已经能够将问题缩小到 AnkiDroid 所需的 .png 转换;无论我使用什么,都会发生同样的情况:
dvipng -D 200 -T tight test.dvi -o test2.png
convert -density 200 -trim test.pdf test.png
% -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
\put(0,-14){\makebox(0,0)[t]{$\scriptstyle {#1}$}}
\put(0,21){\makebox(0,0)[b]{$\scriptstyle {#1}$}}
\textbf{Slice categories}
\item $c/C$, called \textbf{C under c}, is the category whose objects are morphisms $f \colon c \rightarrow x$ with domain $c$ and in which a morphism from $f \colon c \rightarrow x$ to $g \colon c \rightarrow y$ is a map $h \colon x \rightarrow y$ between the codomains so that the triangle:
\begin{diagram} \label{DiagramCunderc}
& & c & & \\
& \ldTo^f & & \rdTo^g & \\
x & & \rTo^h & & y
\textbf{commutes}, i.e., so that g = h f .
\item $C/c$, called \textbf{C over c}, is the category whose objects are morphisms $f \colon x \rightarrow c$ with codomain $c$ and in which a morphism from $f \colon x \rightarrow c$ to $g \colon y \rightarrow c$ is a map $h \colon x \rightarrow y$ between the domains so that the triangle:
\begin{diagram} \label{DiagramCoverc}
x & & \rTo^h & & y \\
& \rdTo_f & & \ldTo_g & \\
& & c & &
\textbf{commutes}, i.e. so that $f = g h$.
它看起来应该是这样的(这是生成的 PDF 文件的屏幕截图 - 它看起来与我生成的 DVI 完全相同):
以下是如何使用 获取这些图表的方法pstricks
\usepackage{pst-node, auto-pst-pdf}
\textbf{Slice categories}
\item $c/C$, called \textbf{C under c}, is the category whose objects are morphisms $f \colon c \rightarrow x$ with domain $c$ and in which a morphism from $f \colon c \rightarrow x$ to $g \colon c \rightarrow y$ is a map $h \colon x \rightarrow y$ between the codomains so that the triangle:
\begin{postscript} \[
\psset{arrows=->, arrowinset=0.12, nodesepA=3pt, nodesepB=2pt, labelsep=2pt, shortput=nab, linejoin=1}
& [name=c] c \\
[name=x] x & & [name=y] y
\] \end{postscript}
\textbf{commutes}, i.e., so that $ g = h f $.
\item $C/c$, called \textbf{C over c}, is the category whose objects are morphisms $f \colon x \rightarrow c$ with codomain $c$ and in which a morphism from $f \colon x \rightarrow c$ to $g \colon y \rightarrow c$ is a map $h \colon x \rightarrow y$ between the domains so that the triangle:
\begin{postscript} \[
\psset{arrows=->, arrowinset=0.12, nodesepA=3pt, nodesepB=2pt, labelsep=3pt, shortput=nab}
[name=x] x & & [name=y] y \\
& [name=c] c
\] \end{postscript}
\textbf{commutes}, i.e. so that $f = g h$.