如何在目录中删除 \chapter 的页码并允许 \chapter* 的页码

如何在目录中删除 \chapter 的页码并允许 \chapter* 的页码



为了区分目录中的\chapter和 的管理,我创建了两个不同的 hangling 宏。第一个是传统的,我用丢弃其第二个参数(页码)的东西替换了它。第二个(for )复制了 for (或)所做的事情,但只是调用它。\chapter*\l@chapter\chapter*\l@chapter\chapter\l@schapter




\let\l@schapter\l@chapter % Copy \l@chapter into \l@schapter
\let\old@l@chapter\l@chapter % Copy \l@chapter into \old@l@chapter
\renewcommand{\l@chapter}[2]{\old@l@chapter{#1}{}}% Discard second argument of \l@chapter



\chapter{A chapter}

\chapter*{Another chapter}
\addcontentsline{toc}{schapter}{Another chapter}





\chapter要从目录中的编号中删除页码,我使用了tocloft\cftpagenumbersoff{chapter}\cftpagenumberson{chapter}命令。使用etoolbox我在 之前添加了\cftpagenumbersoff{chapter}实例,\chapter\cftpagenumberson{chapter}在 之后立即添加了 以恢复编号。请注意,您必须使用\@chapter才能将其专门应用于\chapter而不是\chapter*







\pretocmd{\@chapter}{% <--- IMPORTANT
\addtocontents{toc}{\cftpagenumbersoff{chapter}}% <--- IMPORTANT
\apptocmd{\@chapter}{% <--- IMPORTANT
\addtocontents{toc}{\cftpagenumberson{chapter}}% <--- IMPORTANT



\chapter{A chapter}

\chapter*{Another chapter}

\chapter{And another chapter}




\usepackage{graphicx,amsmath,amsthm,geometry} %enumerate% directly loaded from texstudio
\usepackage{lipsum} % for generating dummy texts
\usepackage{tocloft}  %for table of contents and list of figure formatting
\usepackage{fmtcount} % for textual representation of numbers
\usepackage{etoolbox} % for changing internal parameters of latex
\usepackage{fancyhdr}  % for pagestyles
\usepackage{times}    % for times new roman font
\usepackage[linktoc=all]{hyperref}   % for link to chapter and section. if you comment hyperref package, you must also comment all the \phantomsection in this code.
\usepackage{tikz} % for drawing
\usepackage{titletoc} %for table of content formatting

%%% this code centred, adjust chapters' distance from the title and convert chapter 1 to chapter one
    \vspace*{-60\p@}% default: 50pt % vertical distance between chapter and top of page
    {\parindent \z@ \centering \normalfont% default: \raggedright
        \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
        \huge\bfseries \@chapapp\space \NUMBERstring{chapter}%\the
        \vskip 20\p@% default: 20\p@  % vertical distance between chapter and title below it
        \Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
        \vskip 40\p@
    \vspace*{-80\p@}% default: 50pt % vertical distance between unnumbered chapter and top of page
    {\parindent \z@ \centering% default: \raggedright
        \Huge \bfseries  #1\par\nobreak
        \vskip 40\p@

%%% this code changes the names of contets, list of figures,abstract, chapters and references
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\large{Table of Contents}}
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\large{List of Figures}}

%This code centres table of content

%This code centres list of figure


%this code redefines the chapter format in table of contents
{\contentslabel[\large{\chaptername} \NUMBERstringnum{\thecontentslabel}:]{3.6em}\settowidth{\len} {Chapter \NUMBERstringnum{\thecontentslabel}}\hspace*{\len}}%]
{\hfill\contentspage}% replace \hfill with \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep} if you want dots in chapters in toc

% this code for list of figures with figure, cation and page.
    \\[\baselineskip]\mbox{\textbf{Figure}}\hfill{\textbf{Caption}}\hfill{\normalfont \textbf{Page}}}

%this code removes the references label(their numbers) on the reference page




\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{}Title Page}








\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{}Table of Contents}
\setlength{\cftbeforetoctitleskip}{-2.5cm} %to control vertical spacing
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{}List of Figures}
\setlength{\cftbeforeloftitleskip}{-2.5cm} %to control vertical spacing




%this code redefines the chapter format in table of contents
{\contentslabel[\large{\chaptername} \NUMBERstringnum{\thecontentslabel}:]{3.6em}\settowidth{\len} {Chapter \NUMBERstringnum{\thecontentslabel}}\hspace*{\len}}%]



\section{Section 1}
\subsection{Subsection 1}
\subsection{Subsection 2}

\section{Section 2} 

\chapter{\large{LITERATURE REVIEW}}
\section{Section 1}

\section{Section 2}

 \chapter{\large{RESEARCH METHODOLOGY}}  
\section{Section 1}

\section{Section 2}

 \section{Section 3}

\chapter {\large{RESULTS AND DISCUSSION}}
\section{Section 1}
\section{Section 2}
\section{Section 3}

\chapter {\large{CONCLUSION}}

%this code redefines the chapter format in table of contents
{\contentslabel[\large{\chaptername} \NUMBERstringnum{\thecontentslabel}:]{3.6em}\settowidth{\len} {Chapter \NUMBERstringnum{\thecontentslabel}}\hspace*{\len}}%]

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{} REFERENCES}
\bibitem{1} First reference
\bibitem{2} Second reference
\bibitem{3} Third reference
\bibitem{4} Fourth reference
\bibitem{5} Fifth reference




\usepackage{graphicx,amsmath,amsthm} %enumerate% directly loaded from texstudio
\usepackage[left=38.00mm, right=13.00mm, top=25.00mm, bottom=13.00mm]{geometry}
\usepackage{lipsum} % for generating dummy texts
\usepackage{tocloft}  %for table of contents and list of figure formatting
\usepackage{fmtcount} % for textual representation of numbers
\usepackage{etoolbox} % for changing internal parameters of latex
\usepackage{fancyhdr}  % for pagestyles
\usepackage{times}    % for times new roman font
%\usepackage[linktoc=all]{hyperref}   % for link to chapter and section
\usepackage{tikz} % for drawing
%\usepackage{titletoc} %for table of content formatting

%%% this code centred, adjust chapters' distance from the title and convert chapter 1 to chapter one
    \vspace*{-60\p@}% default: 50pt % vertical distance between chapter and top of page
    {\parindent \z@ \centering \normalfont% default: \raggedright
        \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
        \huge\bfseries \@chapapp\space \NUMBERstring{chapter}%\the
        \vskip 20\p@% default: 20\p@  % vertical distance between chapter and title below it
        \Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
        \vskip 40\p@
    \vspace*{-70\p@}% default: 50pt % vertical distance between unnumbered chapter and top of page
    {\parindent \z@ \centering% default: \raggedright
        \Huge \bfseries  #1\par\nobreak
        \vskip 40\p@

%% This code rename 1 to CHAPTER ONE in table of contents:
\def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
    {\protect \chaptername~\NUMBERstringnum{\thechapter}:~#1}%

%%% this code changes the names of contets, list of figures,abstract, chapters and references
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\large{Table of Contents}}
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\large{List of Figures}}

%This code centres table of content

%This code centres list of figure


% this code for list of tables with figure, cation and page.
    \\[\baselineskip]\mbox{\textbf{Figure}}\hspace*{6cm}{\textbf{Caption}}\hfill{\normalfont \textbf{Page}}}

%this code removes the references label


\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{}Title Page}








\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{}Table of Contents}
\setlength{\cftbeforetoctitleskip}{-2.5cm} %to control vertical spacing
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{}List of Figures}
\setlength{\cftbeforeloftitleskip}{-2.5cm} %to control vertical spacing





\section{Section 1}
\subsection{Subsection 1}
\subsection{Subsection 2}

\section{Section 2} 

\chapter{\large{LITERATURE REVIEW}}
\section{Section 1}

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{} REFERENCES}
\bibitem{1} First reference
\bibitem{2} Second reference

