LaTeX 表格句子不会自动转到下一行,且字体大小与文档的其余部分不一样

LaTeX 表格句子不会自动转到下一行,且字体大小与文档的其余部分不一样


这是我的 LaTeX 表格代码:

\caption{Input parameters for the rational method formula, Equation \ref{discharge}.}
\textbf{Input Parameters} & \textbf{Description}  \\ \cline{1-2}
Coefficient of runoff & The coefficient of runoff accounts for the hydraulic behavior of the runoff as it flows over different types of surfaces in the drainage area. The coefficient for different surfaces can be obtained from Table \ref{c}   \\ \cline{1-2}
Rainfall Intensity & This parameter represents the amount of rainfall per a specified time. This can be obtained from rainfall intensity vs duration curves. However, In South Africa the rainfall intensity can be obtained from the software discussed in Topic [REF A CHAPTER]   \\ \cline{1-2}
\multirow{3}{*}{Time of Concentration} & This parameter represents the amount of time it would take the runoff from any point to get to a drainage outlet. Moreover, this parameter can go further in-detail as to consider the time of surface flow and time of flow in the drainage structure.  \\ \cline{2-2}
& The key factors that can affect this system is that the slope of the land and characteristics of the surface that the runoff will be flowing over.  \\ \cline{2-2}
& It is recommended that Equation \ref{tcs} should be used for the estimation of surface flow time. Moreover, Equation \ref{tcd} can be used to obtain the drainage flow time. \\ \cline{1-2}



看起来你只需要两列。下面是带有 的代码tabularx,布局略有不同(没有\clines,用垂直间距代替):

\usepackage{tabularx, ragged2e, caption, makecell}


    \caption{Input parameters for the rational method formula, Equation \ref{discharge}.}
    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{| >{\hsize=0.5\hsize\RaggedRight}X| >{\hsize=1.5\hsize\RaggedRight\arraybackslash}X|}
        \textbf{Input Parameters} & \textbf{Description} \\ \cline{1-2}
        Coefficient of runoff & The coefficient of runoff accounts for the hydraulic behavior of the runoff as it flows over different types of surfaces in the drainage area. The coefficient for different surfaces can be obtained from Table \ref{c} \\ \cline{1-2}
        Rainfall Intensity & This parameter represents the amount of rainfall per a specified time. This can be obtained from rainfall intensity vs duration curves. However, In South Africa the rainfall intensity can be obtained from the software discussed in Topic [REF A CHAPTER] \\ 
        Time of Concentration & This parameter represents the amount of time it would take the runoff from any point to get to a drainage outlet. Moreover, this parameter can go further in-detail as to consider the time of surface flow and time of flow in the drainage structure. \\[2ex]
        & The key factors that can affect this system is that the slope of the land and characteristics of the surface that the runoff will be flowing over. \\[2ex]
        & It is recommended that Equation \ref{tcs} should be used for the estimation of surface flow time. Moreover, Equation \ref{tcd} can be used to obtain the drainage flow time. \\ 


