

我一直在使用 LaTex 来编写我的家谱家族史研究,因为它能够索引、引用图片、表格等。这将是一个大文件,因为我已经有近 1000 页,而我只在树的第一个分支上工作!我一直在努力解决列举内容的问题,需要一些建议。

我用过枚举项包允许我更好地设置枚举,但我无法按我想要的方式格式化它。我有一些深层嵌套的项目,它们的标签可能是 B.。





\usepackage[letterpaper, portrait, margin=1.0in]{geometry}

\setlist[myEnumerate,1]{label*=\textbf{\Alph*}., leftmargin=*} % A, B, C
\setlist[myEnumerate,2]{label*=\arabic*., leftmargin=0cm} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,3]{label*=\arabic*., leftmargin=0cm} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,4]{label*=\arabic*., leftmargin=0cm} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,5]{label*=\arabic*., leftmargin=0cm} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,6]{label*=\arabic*., leftmargin=0cm} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,7]{label*=\arabic*., leftmargin=0cm} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,8]{label*=\arabic*., leftmargin=0cm} 



\item This is the first item. 
    \item This is the second item. 
        \item This is the third item. 
            \item This is the fourth item. 
                \item This is the fifth item. 
                    \item This is the sixth item. 
                        \item This is the seventh item. 
                            \item This is the eighth item. 



\usepackage[letterpaper, portrait, margin=1.0in]{geometry}

\newcommand*\mywidestlabel{M.}% adjust here if necessary

\setlist[myEnumerate,1]{label*=\textbf{\Alph*}., align=left, leftmargin=1.0in, labelwidth=\mylength} % A, B, C
\setlist[myEnumerate,2]{label*=\arabic*., align=left, leftmargin=0pt, labelwidth=\mylength} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,3]{label*=\arabic*., align=left, leftmargin=0pt, labelwidth=\mylength} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,4]{label*=\arabic*., align=left, leftmargin=0pt, labelwidth=\mylength} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,5]{label*=\arabic*., align=left, leftmargin=0pt, labelwidth=\mylength} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,6]{label*=\arabic*., align=left, leftmargin=0pt, labelwidth=\mylength} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,7]{label*=\arabic*., align=left, leftmargin=0pt, labelwidth=\mylength} % 1, 2, 3
\setlist[myEnumerate,8]{label*=\arabic*., align=left, leftmargin=0pt, labelwidth=\mylength} 



\item This is the first item. This is the first item. This is the first item. This is the first item. 
    \item This is the second item. This is the second item. This is the second item. This is the second item. 
        \item This is the third item. This is the third item. This is the third item. This is the third item. 
            \item This is the fourth item. This is the fourth item. This is the fourth item. This is the fourth item. 
                \item This is the fifth item. 
                    \item This is the sixth item. 
                        \item This is the seventh item. 
                            \item This is the eighth item. This is the eighth item. This is the eighth item. This is the eighth item. 

