

考虑以下 MWE:



    \caption{This is a duck}


正如您所看到的,在编译 MWE 后,它将生成 2 页,将图像移动到第二页,因为它在第一页上已经放不下了。而且因为我使用了H浮动环境选项,所以第一页上现在有一个很大的空白区域。我知道我可以通过让图像浮动来避免这种情况,但这不是本文的目的。



  1. 检查浮动环境是否适合当前页面(图像和标题是否有足够的空间)。如果是,则将其放在那里并退出。
  2. 如果剩余空间允许图像以原始高度的 x%(例如 50%)显示,则将其缩小并插入此处。
  3. 如果空间不足,请将图片放在下一页的顶部









\newlength{\checkspaceleft}% reserve global name

  \noindent\tikz[remember picture,overlay]{%
      {\pgfpointanchor{current page text area}{south}}%
  \hrule height0pt}% not on same line

\newcommand{\myfigure}[2]{% #1 = image, #2 = caption
      \end{minipage}}% measure caption
    \dimen0=\dimexpr \checkspaceleft-\ht0-\dp0-\intextsep\relax
    \sbox1{#1}% measure image
    \ifdim \dimen0<\ht1\relax


      {\caption{This is a duck}}





\ProvidesPackage{dynimage}[2018/09/14 Package for dynamic images that will fit on current page]

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REQUIREMENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INTERNAL VARS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KEY SETUP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    min scale factor/.estore in = {\@dyinmageMinScaleFactor},%
    min scale factor/.value required,%
    reckless/.style = {/dynimage/min scale factor=0.1},%
    reckless/.value forbidden,%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CONFIGURATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENTATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

        \PackageInfo{dynimage}{Minimum scale factor set to \@dyinmageMinScaleFactor}
    % Get the height of the image if it was placed without any further processing
    % Get the remaining page height
    % Calculate the scaling-factor that needs to be used in order to keep the image on the current page
    % Log all gathered sizes until this point if in debug mode
    \iftoggle{@dynimageDebug}{\PackageInfo{dynimage}{The scale for “#2” is \the\@remainingPageHeight /\the\@nativeImageHeight =\@scaleFactor}}{}
    % don't enlarge images (no up-scaling)
    \ifdimgreater{\@scaleFactor pt}{1pt}{\gdef\@scaleFactor{1}}{}%
    % don't scale down more than allowed
    \ifdimgreater{\@scaleFactor pt}{\@dyinmageMinScaleFactor pt}{}{\gdef\@scaleFactor{1}\gdef\@tooMuchScaling{}}%
    % scale if the scale isn't equal to 1
    \ifdimequal{\@scaleFactor pt}{1pt}{%
        % Output appropriate info/warning
            \PackageWarning{dynimage}{The image "#2" would require too much down-scaling and is therefore placed on the next side}%
            \PackageInfo{dynimage}{The image "#2" fits on the page without height-adjustments}%
        % insert image as is
        % scale down
        % calculate the scaled image height
        \pgfmathparse{\@scaleFactor * \@nativeImageHeight}
        % Add some difference between remaining height and scaled image height in order to
        % avoid rounding inaccuracies
        \pgfmathparse{(\@remainingPageHeight - \@scaledImageHeight) < 4}
        \ifnumequal{\pgfmathresult}{1}{\pgfmathparse{\@scaledImageHeight - 4} \edef\@scaledImageHeight{\pgfmathresult}}{}
        % Set up macro for all non-height specifications
        % Set up dummy-keys for processing the \includegraphics-options
            height/.code = {\gdef\specifiesHeight{}},%
            /dynimage/dummy/.unknown/.code = {%
                % get unchanhed key-path
                    % trim away the local dummy path in order to get unchanged key-path
                % Add the respective key to \@graphicOptions but don't introduce equals where there shouldn't be any
        % process the keys originally intended for the \includegraphics[]{imagefile} in order
        % to check for a possible height-definition. All other keys are stored in \@graphicOptions
        \pgfkeys{/dynimage/dummy/.cd, #1}%      
        % Check if an explicit height for the image is given
            % Create warning that the use of height prvented scaling
            \PackageWarning{dynimage}{Inserting image "#2" with specified height instead of adjusted height}%
            % insert image as is
            % log the scaled size of the image if in debug mode
                \PackageInfo{dynimage}{Inserting image "#2" with a height of \@scaledImageHeight pt}%
            % add a height-specification to the keys for the image
            \xdef\@graphicOptions{height=\@scaledImageHeight pt,\@graphicOptions}
            % Gobble away any leading and trailing commas as the keyvals-package used by
            % graphics can't deal with them
                % removing leading comma
                % remove trailing comma
            % Fully expand options
            % print out the scaled image

然后,您可以继续\usepackage{dynimage}在允许您使用\dynImage[<options>{<image>}宏的文档中使用。<option>是您想要传递给\includegraphics-command 的选项(注意:指定显式height将禁用任何缩放)并且<image>是应包含的图像文件的路径。

如果页面上有足够的空间,则将插入图像而不对其进行任何修改(如果直接使用则为\includegraphics)。但是,如果不是这种情况,则将计算一个缩放因子,图像必须使用该缩放因子进行缩放才能适合当前页面(就其高度而言)。如果缩放因子不低于最小缩放因子(可使用min scale factor包的 - 选项配置 - 默认值为0.75)并且如果选项中未指定任何明确说明height,则图像的高度将减小,以便它适合当前页面并填充它(可能除了几个点之外)。
如果您不介意图像缩小,可以将reckless- 选项传递给包,这将导致min scale factor设置为0.1




    Here comes the image:

%    \includegraphics{example-image-duck}




我也会研究这个问题,但如果你知道如何解决这个问题,我将非常感激你的评论 ;)
