

我正在使用考试类编写 MCQ 测试。main.tex 位于:

\usepackage{verbatim, pstricks,ulem}
\newcommand{\newmatrix}[2]{\left(\begin{array}{#1} #2\end{array}\right)}









    (a)~#1 & (b)~#2 & (c)~#3 & (d)~#4

    (a)~#1 & (b)~#2
    (c)~#3 & (d)~#4

(a) & #1
(b) & #2
(c) & #3
(d) & #4






\question #2


\mcq{245}{Let $A$ be a symmetric matrix of order $n$ and $B$ be a skew-    symmetric matrix of order $n$. Then which one of the following is a skew-symmetric matrix?}{$A^{2}$}{$B^{2}$}{$AB+BA$}{$AB-BA$}{c}{}{}

\mcq{248}{A square matrix is a diagonal matrix if and only if it is}{upper triangular}{lower triangular}{both upper triangular and lower triangular}{none of these}{c}{}{}

\mcq{249}{Let $A$ be a non-singular matrix of order $3$. Then the rank of matrix $A^{2018}$ is}{$1$}{$2$}{$3$}{$9$}{c}{Note that $A^{2018}$ is a non-singular matrix of order $3$. Hence rank $(A^{2018})=3$.}{}

\mcq{250}{If $A=\newmatrix{ccc}{0 & 1 & 0\\0 & 0 & 1\\1 & 0 & 0}$, then rank of the matrix $A+A^{2}+A^{3}$ is}{$1$}{$2$}{$3$}{none of these}{a}{Note that $A+A^{2}+A^{3}=\newmatrix{ccc}{1 & 1 & 1\\1 & 1 & 1\\1 & 1 & 1}$. Hence rank $(A+A^{2}+A^{3})=1$}{} 
Space for rough work
\Huge{Answer Key:}

\Huge{Hint/Explanation of Selected Problems:}

这在 overleaf 中不起作用。但如果我以以下方式更改 \mcq{250},则程序可以在 overleaf 中运行。

\mcq{250}{If $A=\newmatrix{ccc}{0 & 1 & 0\\0 & 0 & 1\\1 & 0 & 0}$, then rank of the matrix $A+A^{2}+A^{3}$ is}{$1$}{$2$}{$3$}{none of these}{a}{Note that $A+A^{2}+A^{3}=$. Hence rank $(A+A^{2}+A^{3})=1$}{} 



只需在\protect最后一个命令之前添加命令 ,如下所示:\newmatrix\mcq{250}

\mcq{250}{If $A=\newmatrix{ccc}{0 & 1 & 0\\0 & 0 & 1\\1 & 0 & 0}$, 
             then rank of the matrix $A+A^{2}+A^{3}$ is}
         {$1$}{$2$}{$3$}{none of these}{a}
{Note that $A+A^{2}+A^{3}=\protect\newmatrix{ccc}{1 & 1 & 1\\1 & 1 & 1\\1 & 1 & 1}$. 
Hence rank $(A+A^{2}+A^{3})=1$}{}

