如何将句子放入表 3

如何将句子放入表 3

我正在关注这个问题的答案如何在表格中放入句子 2我只是更改了表格的内容。我以为这会很简单,因为我没有触碰那里使用的命令。

发生的情况是,在我更改了表中的句子而不触及用于生成表格的命令之后,PDF 看起来像这样:






\multirow{6}{=}{\centering Appointment--related information} &                             \multicolumn{2}{C{2cm}|}{Did the information gets posted on the Google Calendar?}  & \multirow{6}{*}{\centering Notes}\\
 & Yes & No & \\
I have an appointment at 8. &  & \checkmark  & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar.  \\
Meeting at 10. &  & \checkmark  & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar.  \\
Family trip on August 5 at 6. &  & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar.  \\
Drink medicine at 8 o'clock. &  & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar.  \\
Project defense at 8. &  & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar.  \\
I have an appointment at 10 pm. & \checkmark &  & The information gets posted on Google Calendar.  \\
Meeting from 10 pm to 12 am. &  & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if it was a time interval. It should be corrected.  \\
Project defense at 8 am. & \checkmark &  & The information gets posted on Google Calendar.  \\
Date on Friday at 7 pm. &  & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if it is a weekday and time is mentioned. It should be corrected.  \\
Watching movies with friends at 10 o'clock in the evening. &  & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if the information is enough. The information shown in this context must be recognized by the app and should be corrected.\\
\caption{Google Calendar's responses to different appointment--related informations.}




我已经替换\linewidth\textwidth表格型 环境并对列长度进行一些其他设置。




    \multirow{2}{=}[-.5cm]{\centering Appointment--related information} &                             \multicolumn{2}{C{3cm}|}{Did the information gets posted on the Google Calendar?}  & \multirow{2}{=}[-0.5cm]{\centering Notes}\\
     & Yes & No & \\
    I have an appointment at 8. &  & \checkmark  & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar.  \\
    Meeting at 10. &  & \checkmark  & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar.  \\
    Family trip on August 5 at 6. &  & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar.  \\
    Drink medicine at 8 o'clock. &  & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar.  \\
    Project defense at 8. &  & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar.  \\
    I have an appointment at 10 pm. & \checkmark &  & The information gets posted on Google Calendar.  \\
    Meeting from 10 pm to 12 am. &  & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if it was a time interval. It should be corrected.  \\
    Project defense at 8 am. & \checkmark &  & The information gets posted on Google Calendar.  \\
    Date on Friday at 7 pm. &  & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if it is a weekday and time is mentioned. It should be corrected.  \\
    Watching movies with friends at 10 o'clock in the evening. &  & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if the information is enough. The information shown in this context must be recognized by the app and should be corrected.\\
    \caption{Google Calendar's responses to different appointment--related informations.}





    \usepackage[margin=1in, showframe]{geometry}

    \usepackage{tabularx, ragged2e, multirow, booktabs}


    \usepackage{cuted, caption, lipsum}


 \multirow{6}{=}{\centering Appointment-related information} & \multicolumn{2}{C{2cm}|}{Did the information get posted on the Google Calendar?} & \multirow{6}{*}{\centering Notes}\\
 & Yes & No & \\
 I have an appointment\nl at 8. & & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar. \\
 Meeting at 10. & & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar. \\
 Family trip \nl on August 5 \nl at 6. & & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar. \\
 Drink medicine \nl at 8 o'clock. & & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar. \\
 Project defense\nl at 8. & & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar. \\
 I have an appointment \nl at 10 pm. & \checkmark & & The information gets posted on Google Calendar. \\
 Meeting \nl from 10 pm \nl to 12 am. & & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if it was a time interval. It should be corrected. \\
 Project defense \nl at 8 am. & \checkmark & & The information gets posted on Google Calendar. \\
 Date on Friday \nl at 7 pm. & & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if it is a weekday and time is mentioned. It should be corrected. \\
 Watching movies \nl with friends \nl at 10 o'clock \nl in the evening. & & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if the information is enough. The information shown in this context must be recognized by the app and should be corrected.\\
 \caption{Google Calendar's responses to different appointment--related informations.}

    \multirow{6}{=}{\centering Appointment-related information} & \multicolumn{2}{C{2cm}|}{Did the information get posted on the Google Calendar?} & \multirow{6}{*}{\centering Notes}\\
     & Yes & No & \\
    I have an appointment\nl at 8. & & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar. \\
    Meeting at 10. & & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar. \\
    Family trip \nl on August 5 \nl at 6. & & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar. \\
    Drink medicine \nl at 8 o'clock. & & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar. \\
    Project defense\nl at 8. & & \checkmark & The time is not specified whether it is am or pm, so it does not appear on Google Calendar. \\
    I have an appointment \nl at 10 pm. & \checkmark & & The information gets posted on Google Calendar. \\
    Meeting \nl from 10 pm \nl to 12 am. & & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if it was a time interval. It should be corrected. \\
    Project defense \nl at 8 am. & \checkmark & & The information gets posted on Google Calendar. \\
    Date on Friday \nl at 7 pm. & & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if it is a weekday and time is mentioned. It should be corrected. \\
    Watching movies \nl with friends \nl at 10 o'clock \nl in the evening. & & \checkmark & The information didn't plot on the Google Calendar even if the information is enough. The information shown in this context must be recognized by the app and should be corrected.\\
    \captionof{table}{Google Calendar's responses to different appointment--related informations.}


