

我使用 overlead,现在我想在月历上突出显示当前日期。本指南:带有 TIKZ-PGF 的日历:如何突出显示当前日期?。但是我的日历显示的位置不对(请看图片)谢谢 在此处输入图片描述 我的代码:

%\usepackage{libertine} % fonts not installed here
\usepackage{translator, tikz, array} % pgfcalendar loaded later with \usetikzlibrary{calendar}
%\usepackage{xcolor} % loaded by tikz
%\usepackage{color} % unnecessary, because xcolor already loaded
%\usepackage{pgf} % loaded by tikz

%== Page characteristics (Page Setup) ====================
% using geometry would be better

%== Define colors =================================

% these days, \tikzset is used
    day headings/.style={day heading=#1}, % \tikzoption{day headings}{\tikzstyle{day heading}=[#1]}
    day heading/.style={}, % \tikzstyle{day heading}=[]
    day letter headings/.style={% \tikzstyle{day letter headings} ...
        execute before day scope={ \ifdate{day of month=1}{%
          \foreach \d/\l in {0/M,1/T,2/W,3/T,4/F,5/S,6/S} {
            \node[every day,day heading]{\l};%


\foreach \n in {2,...,2}{

% added to ensure every day starts on a new page
% remember day and month

\captionsetup{skip=4pt, minmargin=0cm, maxmargin=0cm}
\Huge  \textcolor{blue}{Planner} \\

\Huge \pgfcalendarweekdayname{\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday}
\Huge \bfseries

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, transform shape]
  \node [anchor=north east, inner sep=8pt, xshift = -15pt]
    at (current page.north east)
      \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style = {anchor=center}]
        \calendar (mycal) [dates=2018-\n-01 to 2018-\n-last,
        week list,
        day text=\%d0,
        month label above centered,
        month text={\%mt} \%y-,
        day xshift = 0.8cm,
        day headings=gray,
        day letter headings
    if (Saturday) [rozmam]
    if (Sunday)   [rozmam]
    % just set another text color; nodes={draw} could be added, but the rectangle is too large
    if (day of month=\pagedayofmonth) [cyan]
    % draw a frame around the day
    \draw[green,thick,rounded corners]
        ($(mycal-2018-\pagemonth-\pagedayofmonth.south east) + (-1.5mm,1.5mm)$) rectangle 
        ($(mycal-2018-\pagemonth-\pagedayofmonth.north west) + (1.5mm,-1.5mm)$);




下面的代码编译三次确实产生了正确的输出(我只是删除了多余的,并将和\\更改为和,并用 TeX Live 和 MikTeX 上通常可用的图像替换了你的图像)。\edef\pagedayofmonth\edef\pagemonth\xdef\pagedayofmonth\xdef\pagemonth

%\usepackage{libertine} % fonts not installed here
\usepackage{translator, tikz, array} % pgfcalendar loaded later with \usetikzlibrary{calendar}
%\usepackage{xcolor} % loaded by tikz
%\usepackage{color} % unnecessary, because xcolor already loaded
%\usepackage{pgf} % loaded by tikz

%== Page characteristics (Page Setup) ====================
% using geometry would be better

%== Define colors =================================

% these days, \tikzset is used
    day headings/.style={day heading=#1}, % \tikzoption{day headings}{\tikzstyle{day heading}=[#1]}
    day heading/.style={}, % \tikzstyle{day heading}=[]
    day letter headings/.style={% \tikzstyle{day letter headings} ...
        execute before day scope={ \ifdate{day of month=1}{%
          \foreach \d/\l in {0/M,1/T,2/W,3/T,4/F,5/S,6/S} {
            \node[every day,day heading]{\l};%


\foreach \n in {2,...,2}{

% added to ensure every day starts on a new page
% remember day and month

\captionsetup{skip=4pt, minmargin=0cm, maxmargin=0cm}
\Huge  \textcolor{blue}{Planner} \\

\Huge \pgfcalendarweekdayname{\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday}
\Huge \bfseries

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, transform shape]
  \node [anchor=north east, inner sep=8pt, xshift = -15pt]
    at (current page.north east)
      \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style = {anchor=center}]
        \calendar (mycal) [dates=2018-\n-01 to 2018-\n-last,
        week list,
        day text=\%d0,
        month label above centered,
        month text={\%mt} \%y-,
        day xshift = 0.8cm,
        day headings=gray,
        day letter headings
    if (Saturday) [rozmam]
    if (Sunday)   [rozmam]
    % just set another text color; nodes={draw} could be added, but the rectangle is too large
    if (day of month=\pagedayofmonth) [cyan]
    % draw a frame around the day
    \draw[green,thick,rounded corners]
        ($(mycal-2018-\pagemonth-\pagedayofmonth.south east) + (-1.5mm,1.5mm)$) rectangle 
        ($(mycal-2018-\pagemonth-\pagedayofmonth.north west) + (1.5mm,-1.5mm)$);


