boxrule=0mm,top=0mm,bottom=0mm,left=2cm,right=4mm,sharp corners,
\draw[ultra thick] ([xshift=2mm]frame.north west)-|(frame.south west)--
([xshift=2mm]frame.south west);
\draw[ultra thick] ([xshift=-2mm]frame.north east)-|(frame.south east)--
([xshift=-2mm]frame.south east);
\draw[thick,white] ([xshift=2mm]frame.north west) -- ([xshift=-2mm]frame.north east)
([xshift=2mm]frame.south west) -- ([xshift=-2mm]frame.south east);
\shadedraw[ball color=yellow] (290:0.3) arc(290:-20:0.3) -- ++(0.2,-0.2)
-- ++(-0.15,-0.15) --cycle;
\fill[top color=gray,middle color=gray!60!black,bottom color=black,shading angle=-40] (-20:0.3)
-- ++(0.2,-0.2) -- ++(-0.15,-0.15) -- (290:0.3) -- cycle;
\foreach \X in {170,140,110}
{\draw[thick] (\X:0.4) -- (\X:0.6);}
\textbf{New- and old-style classes.}\par
Old-style classes have only human students. In new-style classes, ducks, koalas
and marmots are welcome. Hibernation needs of marmot students are respected.
以下是无需任何软件包即可快速实现所需的功能。语法简单而粗略,是 LaTeX 和 TeX 语法的混合体。如果您更改使用的长度和宏,环境的每个方面都应该是可调整的(每个都应该注释以清楚说明其用途)。
\newcommand\Bracket@head[1]{\textbf{#1}} % format the heading
% store the icon
% the vertical displacement of the icon from the centre of the contents
% store the contents of the environment
% the width it should take as a macro so that the width is evaluated when used,
% this should provide more flexibility
% the actual contents width (gets calculated)
% the vertical amount of space the brackets are taller than their contents
% the width of the horizontal rules of the brackets
% the thickness of the bracket rules
% the amount of white space between the left bracket and the logo
\[email protected]
% the amount of white space between the logo and the contents
\[email protected]
% the amount of white space between the right bracket and the contents
% the vertical white space added above the whole environment
% the vertical white space added below the whole environment
% the definition of the environment
\vrule height \dimexpr\ht\Bracket@box+\Bracket@vpad
depth \dimexpr\dp\Bracket@box+\Bracket@vpad
width \Bracket@linewidth
\vrule height 0pt
depth \Bracket@linewidth
width \Bracket@length
\vrule height \Bracket@linewidth
depth 0pt
width \Bracket@length
.5\ht\[email protected]\dp\Bracket@box
\vrule height \dimexpr\ht\Bracket@box+\Bracket@vpad
depth \dimexpr\dp\Bracket@box+\Bracket@vpad
width \Bracket@linewidth
\vrule height 0pt
depth \Bracket@linewidth
width \Bracket@length
\vrule height \Bracket@linewidth
depth 0pt
width \Bracket@length
\usepackage{duckuments}% only for \blindduck
\begin{Bracket}{New- and old-style classes}
如果设置正确,则可以分页,因此请查看@marmot 的答案(这并不表明@marmot 设置的方式tcolorbox