siunitx:某些选项必须在序言中,而不是在 S[?

siunitx:某些选项必须在序言中,而不是在 S[?

这是我对 siunitx 用户的问题:是否有必要在序言中指定输入符号参数,而不是在 S[] 中?


这是我的 R 函数 outreg(在包 rockchalk 中)生成的表格。


%following now in each table
  input-symbols = ( )

\caption{Still have showAIC argument, as in previous versions}\label{tab:ex5ds}
\centering\begin{tabular}{@{}l*{2}S[input-symbols = ( ),   
                        group-digits = false,   
                        table-format = 3.3,
                        table-number-alignment = center,   
                        table-space-text-pre = (,  
                        table-space-text-post = {***},   
                        table-align-text-pre = false,
                        table-align-text-post = false,
                        parse-units = false]@{}}
   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Whichever}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Whatever}\tabularnewline
 & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Estimate}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Estimate}\tabularnewline
   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(S.E.)}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{(S.E.)}\tabularnewline
  (Intercept)    &403.245*** &29.774*** \tabularnewline
     &  (0.618) &  (0.522)\tabularnewline
  x1      &1.546*& \multicolumn{1}{c}{\phantom{000}.} \tabularnewline
     &  (0.692)   &  \tabularnewline
  x2     & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\phantom{000}.} &3.413** \tabularnewline
       &   &  (0.512)\tabularnewline
 N& \multicolumn{1}{c}{100}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{100} \tabularnewline
 RMSE            &6.121  &5.205   \tabularnewline
 $R^2$            &0.048  &0.312   \tabularnewline
 adj $R^2$        &0.039  &0.305   \tabularnewline
 AIC     &617.694 &617.694\tabularnewline

 \multicolumn{3}{l}{${*  p}\le 0.05$${*\!\!*  p}\le 0.01$${*\!\!*\!\!*  p}\le 0.001$}\tabularnewline



我现在要问的是序言和 sisetup。我希望表格标记尽可能接近可移植性,而不依赖于任何序言细节。

我想完全消除 sisetup 的使用,但如果我将其从此示例中删除,则它无法编译,因为编译器无法理解括号:

! siunitx error: "invalid-number"
! Invalid numerical input '(0.618)'.
! See the siunitx documentation for further information.

序言 sisetup 是唯一的修正吗?


你的表格序言语法有误。你使用了*{2}S[...]但你应该在第二个参数周围加上括号,这样 S 的可选参数也会被处理:


%following now in each table
 % input-symbols = ( )


\caption{Still have showAIC argument, as in previous versions}\label{tab:ex5ds}
                        input-symbols = ( ),
                        group-digits = false,
                        table-format = 3.3,
                        table-number-alignment = center,
                        table-space-text-pre = (,
                        table-space-text-post = {***},
                        table-align-text-pre = false,
                        table-align-text-post = false,
                        parse-units = false
     &  (0.618) &  (0.522)\tabularnewline
