Beamer 森林图

Beamer 森林图

当我在我的旧笔记本电脑上运行下面的代码(请参阅本文末尾)时,我得到了以下正确的幻灯片输出: 在此处输入图片描述

当我在新笔记本电脑上运行完全相同的代码时,我得到: 在此处输入图片描述


\begin{frame}[fragile]{Introduction to Decision Trees}{Decision Trees}
We can represent decision problems in a graphical form as {\color{red} \textbf{Decision Trees}}\\[1mm]
For our hotel situation we have:\\[5mm]



\put(17,210){{\color{blue}\textbf{Land purchase decision}}}
\put(120,210){{\color{blue}\textbf{Airport location}}}

\put(7,186){Buy A}
\put(7,131){Buy B}
\put(7,76){Buy A \& B}
\put(7,21){Buy nothing}




   my label/.style={
      edge label={node[auto, sloped,pos=.15,anchor=south]{#1}}
    for tree={grow=0, child anchor=west, anchor=west, text ragged,
              inner sep=1mm, edge={line width=0.65pt, draw=blue!50}, l sep+=27mm,
              s sep+=5mm, if n children=0{before typesetting nodes={label/.wrap pgfmath arg={right:#1}{content()},
      edge path={
       \noexpand\path [draw, \forestoption{edge}] (!u.parent anchor) |- (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
       % alternatively, with angled lines
        % (!u.parent anchor) -- ([xshift=-2.6cm].child anchor) --    
        % (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
    [, decision
      [,chance, [{\color{dgreen}\textbf{0}}][{\color{dgreen}\textbf{0}}]]
      [,chance, [{\color{dgreen}\textbf{-1}}][{\color{dgreen}\textbf{5}}]]
      [,chance, [{\color{dgreen}\textbf{11}}][{\color{dgreen}\textbf{-8}}]]
      [,chance, [{\color{dgreen}\textbf{-12}}][{\color{dgreen}\textbf{13}}]]

 \put(50,3) {  \node [rectangle, minimum height=8pt, minimum width=8pt, draw=black, fill=black!30!white, thin, inner sep=0pt] at (70,10) {};}
  \put(120,3) {  \node [circle, minimum height=8pt, minimum width=8pt, draw=black, fill=black!30!white, thin, inner sep=0pt] at (70,10) {};}
  \put(190,3) {  \node [isosceles triangle, minimum width=10pt, draw=black, thin, fill=white, inner sep=0pt, shape border rotate=180, outer sep=-\pgflinewidth] at (70,10) {};}   

\put(55,5) {Decision Nodes}
\put(125,5) {Event Nodes}
\put(195,5) {Terminal Nodes}


%%% options passed to the outer theme
%    hidetitle,           % hide the (short) title in the sidebar
%    hideauthor,          % hide the (short) author in the sidebar
%    hideinstitute,       % hide the (short) institute in the bottom of the sidebar
%    shownavsym,          % show the navigation symbols
%    width=2cm,           % width of the sidebar (default is 2 cm)
%    hideothersubsections,% hide all subsections but the subsections in the current section
%    hideallsubsections,  % hide all subsections
%    left                % right of left position of sidebar (default is right)

\usepackage{lmodern} %optional

\algnewcommand{\LineComment}[1]{\Statex \hskip\ALG@thistlm \(\) #1}


% colored hyperlinks
\definecolor{darblue}{rgb}{0.00,0.41,0.66}% dark blue
  \definecolor{liblue}{rgb}{0.55,0.79,0.94}% light blue


    decision/.style={rectangle, minimum height=10pt, minimum width=10pt, draw=black, fill=black!30!white, thin, inner sep=0pt},
    chance/.style={circle, minimum width=10pt, draw=black, fill=black!30!white, thin, inner sep=0pt},
    leaf-chance/.style={isosceles triangle, minimum width=10pt, draw=black, thin, fill=white, inner sep=0pt, shape border rotate=180, outer sep=-\pgflinewidth}
    visible on/.style={alt={#1{}{invisible}}},
    alt/.code args={<#1>#2#3}{%
      \alt<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}{\pgfkeysalso{#3}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path

  rectangle split,
  minimum height=1.5cm,
  rectangle split horizontal,
  rectangle split parts=5, 
  shape=isosceles triangle,
  isosceles triangle apex angle=60,
  inner xsep=0.65cm



%%% options passed to the outer theme
%    hidetitle,           % hide the (short) title in the sidebar
%    hideauthor,          % hide the (short) author in the sidebar
%    hideinstitute,       % hide the (short) institute in the bottom of the sidebar
%    shownavsym,          % show the navigation symbols
%    width=2cm,           % width of the sidebar (default is 2 cm)
%    hideothersubsections,% hide all subsections but the subsections in the current section
%    hideallsubsections,  % hide all subsections
%    left                % right of left position of sidebar (default is right)

\usepackage{lmodern} %optional

\algnewcommand{\LineComment}[1]{\Statex \hskip\ALG@thistlm \(\) #1}


% colored hyperlinks
\definecolor{darblue}{rgb}{0.00,0.41,0.66}% dark blue
  \definecolor{liblue}{rgb}{0.55,0.79,0.94}% light blue


    decision/.style={rectangle, minimum height=10pt, minimum width=10pt, draw=black, fill=black!30!white, thin, inner sep=0pt},
    chance/.style={circle, minimum width=10pt, draw=black, fill=black!30!white, thin, inner sep=0pt},
    leaf-chance/.style={isosceles triangle, minimum width=10pt, draw=black, thin, fill=white, inner sep=0pt, shape border rotate=180, outer sep=-\pgflinewidth}
    visible on/.style={alt={#1{}{invisible}}},
    alt/.code args={<#1>#2#3}{%
      \alt<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}{\pgfkeysalso{#3}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path

  rectangle split,
  minimum height=1.5cm,
  rectangle split horizontal,
  rectangle split parts=5, 
  shape=isosceles triangle,
  isosceles triangle apex angle=60,
  inner xsep=0.65cm


\begin{frame}[fragile]{Introduction to Decision Trees}{Decision Trees}
We can represent decision problems in a graphical form as {\color{red} \textbf{Decision Trees}}\\[1mm]
For our hotel situation we have:\\[5mm]



\put(17,210){{\color{blue}\textbf{Land purchase decision}}}
\put(120,210){{\color{blue}\textbf{Airport location}}}

\put(7,186){Buy A}
\put(7,131){Buy B}
\put(7,76){Buy A \& B}
\put(7,21){Buy nothing}




   my label/.style={
      edge label={node[auto, sloped,pos=.15,anchor=south]{#1}}
    for tree={grow=0, child anchor=west, anchor=west, text ragged,
              inner sep=1mm, edge={line width=0.65pt, draw=blue!50}, l sep+=27mm,
              s sep+=5mm, if n children=0{before typesetting nodes={label/.wrap pgfmath arg={right:#1}{content()},
      edge path={
       \noexpand\path [draw, \forestoption{edge}] (!u.parent anchor) |- (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
       % alternatively, with angled lines
        % (!u.parent anchor) -- ([xshift=-2.6cm].child anchor) --    
        % (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
    [, decision
      [,chance, [{\color{dgreen}\textbf{0}}][{\color{dgreen}\textbf{0}}]]
      [,chance, [{\color{dgreen}\textbf{-1}}][{\color{dgreen}\textbf{5}}]]
      [,chance, [{\color{dgreen}\textbf{11}}][{\color{dgreen}\textbf{-8}}]]
      [,chance, [{\color{dgreen}\textbf{-12}}][{\color{dgreen}\textbf{13}}]]

 \put(50,3) {  \node [rectangle, minimum height=8pt, minimum width=8pt, draw=black, fill=black!30!white, thin, inner sep=0pt] at (70,10) {};}
  \put(120,3) {  \node [circle, minimum height=8pt, minimum width=8pt, draw=black, fill=black!30!white, thin, inner sep=0pt] at (70,10) {};}
  \put(190,3) {  \node [isosceles triangle, minimum width=10pt, draw=black, thin, fill=white, inner sep=0pt, shape border rotate=180, outer sep=-\pgflinewidth] at (70,10) {};}   

\put(55,5) {Decision Nodes}
\put(125,5) {Event Nodes}
\put(195,5) {Terminal Nodes}


