如何向 tikz 添加子标题

如何向 tikz 添加子标题

我需要将三张 tikz 图片并排放置,并为三重图片分配一个标题,为每个 tikz 分配一个子标题。


这就是我要的: 在此处输入图片描述



% \usepackage{subfig}


\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
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  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
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  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
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  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
\subcaption{\small Subcaption (a)}
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i)  {\small $i$};
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  \node[main] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
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  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
\subcaption{\small Subcaption (b)}
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
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  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (temp2);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
\subcaption{\small Subcaption (c)}
\caption{\small Caption}

We build a linear regression model to predict the next value of each instrument. 








\tikzset{main/.style={circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw
=black!80, node distance = 3mm},connect/.style={-latex, thick}}    
\subfloat[\small Subcaption (a)\label{subfig:Event1}]{
  \node[main,fill=black!30] (i)  {\small $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
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  \node[main] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (temp2);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
\subfloat[\small Subcaption (b)\label{subfig:Event2}]{
  \node[main] (i)  {\small $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!30] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
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  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (temp2);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
\subfloat[\small Subcaption~(c)\label{subfig:Event3}]{
  \node[main] (i)  {\small $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!30] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (temp2);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
\caption{\small Caption}

We build a linear regression model to predict the next value of each instrument. 




这更像是一个长评论。特别是这个答案不应该获得绿色勾号,因为我所做的只是以更紧凑的方式重写 Marmot 的优秀解决方案。当然,赞成票是可以的:)

我建议定义一个宏来执行此操作,而不是为每个回归模型重复这一大段代码。所用的三个不同模型之间的唯一区别在于哪个节点被着色。下面的代码定义了一个宏\Model,它接受一个参数,告诉它应该填充哪个节点。例如,\Model{1}\Model{4}\Model{3}生成 OP 中的图表。这是通过为每个节点添加新样式,然后在宏中更改样式来完成的node #1(节点的编号是它们在 OP 中出现的顺序)。

如下所示,输出与 marmot 的解决方案相同,但代码更短且更易于阅读:





  main/.style={circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw
=black!80, node distance = 3mm},
  connect/.style={-latex, thick},
  node 1/.style={}, % default node styles
  node 2/.style={},
  node 3/.style={},
  node 4/.style={},
  node 5/.style={},
  node 6/.style={},
  node 7/.style={},

  \tikzset{node #1/.style={fill=black!30}}% change the style of node #1
  \node[main, node 1] (i)  {\small $i$};
  \node[main, node 2] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main, node 3] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main, node 4] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main, node 5] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \node[main, node 6] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main, node 7] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (temp2);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);

\subfloat[\small Subcaption (a)\label{subfig:Event1}]{ \Model{1} }
\subfloat[\small Subcaption (b)\label{subfig:Event2}]{ \Model{4} }
\subfloat[\small Subcaption~(c)\label{subfig:Event3}]{ \Model{3} }
\caption{\small Caption}






更新 :


这次,为了放置图例,我定义了三个scope环境:每个图形一个。这也消除了使用minipage环境的需要,从而进一步简化了代码。每个环境都定义了一个local bounding box我命名为 的gauchemilieu并且droit (参见手册 3.0.1a 第 1033 页)。

\begin{scope}[local bounding box=gauche]

节点位于这些边界框的南部锚点下方 2 毫米处。

\node[node distance=2mm, below= of gauche.south]{Subcaption (a)};






\begin{scope}[local bounding box=gauche]
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main,fill=black!30] (i)  {\small $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge (temp2);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
\node[below= 2mm of gauche.south]{Subcaption (a)};

\begin{scope}[xshift=4cm,local bounding box=milieu]
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i)  {\small $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!30] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge (temp2);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
 \node[below= 2mm of milieu.south]{Subcaption (b)};

\begin{scope}[xshift=8cm,local bounding box=droit]
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i)  {\small $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!30] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge (temp2);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
  \node[below= 2mm of droit.south]{Subcaption (c)};

\caption{\small Caption}

We build a linear regression model to predict the next value of each instrument. 


使用 www.DeepL.com/Translator 翻译



 \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node[shift={(.1,-.7)},font=\small] {Subcaption (b)} (temp2);






\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
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  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
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  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
%\subcaption{\small Subcaption (a)}
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
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  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp1) [below=of left_i] {};
  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node[shift={(.1,-.7)},font=\small] {Subcaption (b)} (temp2);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);

%\subcaption{\small Subcaption (b)}
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 5.5mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i)  {\small $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!30] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
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  \node[main] (temp2) [below=of right_i] {};
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
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  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp1) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path[line width=0.03cm] (temp2) edge node {} (right_i);
%\subcaption{\small Subcaption (c)}
\caption{\small Caption}

We build a linear regression model to predict the next value of each instrument. 

