修改直行文本的具体示例并在 Tex Live 2018 上运行

修改直行文本的具体示例并在 Tex Live 2018 上运行


% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX

\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}

% Format chapter and verse (\section) headings
 {\LARGE\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename} \thechapter}

{4pc}{1.5ex plus .1ex minus .2ex}{0pt}

% format section label

% multiple gloss lines will align on the left margin

% initialize some token registers to build up the lines from the database cells

% create a command to append a cell to the token register
% Thanks to Enrico Gregorio for this code
  \the\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter#1\expandafter\space #2}}

% Define a command to empty the token registers

% Define a command used to escape * in the input cell
\def\esc#1{#1} % 
\def\SecTest{section} % verse delimiter check

\DTLsetseparator{   }% literal tab; with UTF8 source, \DTLsettabseparator doesn't work
\chapter{O sonhou do Nabucodonsor}
{% assign each cell in a row to a macro
{% If we're in the first row, start a section; otherwise if we find a section, output
%  the previous section's lines, and start a new section, then empty the token registers
    {% For each cell, append it to the token register for that line
% output the last section's lines.


首先,我需要让它在 Windows 上使用 Tex Live 2018(我从 DVD 安装了它)。当我尝试在 Texmaker 中运行它时,出现了一条错误消息。

! Argument of \@dtl@lopoff has an extra }.

但我知道这只是个幌子,因为完全相同的代码在 Linux 下与 Tex Live 2017 完美兼容。我认为问题是由于某种原因 CSV 没有被读取。(我使用的是与该线程中发布的相同的 CSV。)从 2017 年到 2018 年,其中一个软件包的行为是否发生了变化?




\DTLsetseparator{   }% literal tab; with UTF8 source, \DTLsettabseparator% doesn't work


\DTLsettabseparator % add this line

然后在加载 CSV 文件后添加以下行:

\DTLmaketabspace % immediately after loading  add this line


\DTLsettabseparator % add this line
\DTLloaddb{text}{Chapter2.csv} % load file
\DTLmaketabspace % immediately after loading  add this line
