我想拥有标题中有粗体数学符号,但目录中没有我选择了 Bernard 的解决方案,titlesec
我认为这个问题因我拥有的所有参考机制而变得复杂。因此,这里是 MWE 中的内容。
% \titleformat*{\chapter}{\bfseries\boldmath}%<<==BERNARD This causes an error
\titleformat*{\section}{\bfseries\boldmath}%<<==BERNARD This shrinks titles
\titlecontents{chapter}[6pc]{\addvspace{1pc}\bfseries\filright}{\contentslabel[\chaptername\ \thecontentslabel]{6pc}}{}{\hfill\contentspage}[\addvspace{2pt}]%
\newcommand\xquad{\hspace*{0.4em plus .2em minus .2em}}%
\titlecontents*{p-section}[0pt]{\filright\small}{}{}{, \thecontentspage}[\xquad\textbullet\xquad][.]%
\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}% <- only parts, chapters and sections in tocs \hspace{10mm}
\tcbuselibrary{%Begin load libraries for tcolorbox
}%End load libraries for tcolorbox
\usepackage{makeidx} %The \imakeindex does not work
%=============== Begin the Heiko Oberdiek ``quick and dirty hack'' which loads showidx
% Hook in \HyInd@@wrindex
% Hook in \HyInd@@wrindex for package showidx
% Load package showidx
% rest of hyperref part
%=============== End the Heiko Oberdiek ``quick and dirty hack'' which loads showidx
\hypersetup{%begin colors
}%end colors
\usepackage{cleveref}% should be the last package
\newcommand{\titleref}{\nameref}%displays TITLE of refered item
\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}% <- only parts, chapters and sections in tocs
%========================== Begin math in Showindex
%========================== End math in Showindex
%========================== Begin Andrew code for ref to indexed words as edited Oct 27 at 17:24
%========================== End Andrew code for ref to indexed words as edited Oct 27 at 17:24
%===Begin DEX original
% (\Cpageref{ind:#2})%
%%===End DEX original
%============== Begin To make Cpageref work with INDEX
% \hyperref[ind:#2]{#2}%
% \hyperref[ind:#1]{#2}%
%============== End To make Cpageref work with INDEX.
\chapter{Chapter Title emboldens %
0 and $\infty$ but not $0$ nor $x_{0}$ nor $MathText$%
Some text
with an indexed \textbf{word}\INDEX[]{word} and indexed math $\boldsymbol{x_{0}}$\INDEX[x0]{$x_{0}$}:
\section{Section Title emboldens %
0 and $\infty$ as well as $0$ and $x_{0}$ and $MathText$%
A bit more text and finally:
Subsection Title emboldens %
0 and $\infty$ %
but not $0$ nor $x_{0}$ nor $MathText$. %
However %
$\boldsymbol{MathText}$, %
$\boldsymbol{x_{0}}$ and %
$\bm{0}$ all work.%
Plus just a tiny little bit of text%
with a referenced \DEX[word]{word} %
which was indexed in \Cref{1-0-0} \nameref{1-0-0} on \Cpageref{1-0-0}
\phantomsection%otherwise, clicking on index in toc gets to GNU
,实际上是 定义的它们的别名titlesec
。此外,您需要说明 的字体大小\section
\usepackage{makeidx} %The \imakeindex does not work
{\contentslabel[\chaptername\ \thecontentslabel]{6pc}}
\newcommand\xquad{\hspace*{0.4em plus .2em minus .2em}}%
{, \thecontentspage}
\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}% <- only parts, chapters and sections in tocs \hspace{10mm}
\tcbuselibrary{%Begin load libraries for tcolorbox
}%End load libraries for tcolorbox
%=============== Begin the Heiko Oberdiek ``quick and dirty hack'' which loads showidx
% Hook in \HyInd@@wrindex
% Hook in \HyInd@@wrindex for package showidx
% Load package showidx
% rest of hyperref part
%=============== End the Heiko Oberdiek ``quick and dirty hack'' which loads showidx
\hypersetup{%begin colors
}%end colors
\usepackage{cleveref}% should be the last package
\newcommand{\titleref}{\nameref}%displays TITLE of refered item
\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}% <- only parts, chapters and sections in tocs
%========================== Begin math in Showindex
%========================== End math in Showindex
%========================== Begin Andrew code for ref to indexed words as edited Oct 27 at 17:24
%========================== End Andrew code for ref to indexed words as edited Oct 27 at 17:24
%===Begin DEX original
% (\Cpageref{ind:#2})%
%%===End DEX original
%============== Begin To make Cpageref work with INDEX
% \hyperref[ind:#2]{#2}%
% \hyperref[ind:#1]{#2}%
%============== End To make Cpageref work with INDEX.
\chapter{Chapter Title emboldens %
0 and $\infty$ but not $0$ nor $x_{0}$ nor $MathText$%
Some text
with an indexed \textbf{word}\INDEX[]{word} and indexed math $\boldsymbol{x_{0}}$\INDEX[x0]{$x_{0}$}:
\section{Section Title emboldens %
0 and $\infty$ as well as $0$ and $x_{0}$ and $MathText$%
A bit more text and finally:
Subsection Title emboldens %
0 and $\infty$ %
but not $0$ nor $x_{0}$ nor $MathText$. %
However %
$\boldsymbol{MathText}$, %
$\boldsymbol{x_{0}}$ and %
$\bm{0}$ all work.%
Plus just a tiny little bit of text%
with a referenced \DEX[word]{word} %
which was indexed in \Cref{1-0-0} \nameref{1-0-0} on \Cpageref{1-0-0}
\phantomsection%otherwise, clicking on index in toc gets to GNU
% \titleformat*{\chapter}{\bfseries\boldmath}%<<==BERNARD This causes an error
\titleformat*{\section}{\bfseries\boldmath}%<<==BERNARD This shrinks titles
\titlecontents{chapter}[6pc]{\addvspace{1pc}\bfseries\filright}{\contentslabel[\chaptername\ \thecontentslabel]{6pc}}{}{\hfill\contentspage}[\addvspace{2pt}]%
\newcommand\xquad{\hspace*{0.4em plus .2em minus .2em}}%
\titlecontents*{p-section}[0pt]{\filright\small}{}{}{, \thecontentspage}[\xquad\textbullet\xquad][.]%
\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}% <- only parts, chapters and sections in tocs \hspace{10mm}
\tcbuselibrary{%Begin load libraries for tcolorbox
}%End load libraries for tcolorbox
\usepackage{makeidx} %The \imakeindex does not work
%=============== Begin the Heiko Oberdiek ``quick and dirty hack'' which loads showidx
% Hook in \HyInd@@wrindex
% Hook in \HyInd@@wrindex for package showidx
% Load package showidx
% rest of hyperref part
%=============== End the Heiko Oberdiek ``quick and dirty hack'' which loads showidx
\hypersetup{%begin colors
}%end colors
\usepackage{cleveref}% should be the last package
\newcommand{\titleref}{\nameref}%displays TITLE of refered item
\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}% <- only parts, chapters and sections in tocs
%========================== Begin math in Showindex
%========================== End math in Showindex
%========================== Begin Andrew code for ref to indexed words as edited Oct 27 at 17:24
%========================== End Andrew code for ref to indexed words as edited Oct 27 at 17:24
%===Begin DEX original
% (\Cpageref{ind:#2})%
%%===End DEX original
%============== Begin To make Cpageref work with INDEX
% \hyperref[ind:#2]{#2}%
% \hyperref[ind:#1]{#2}%
%============== End To make Cpageref work with INDEX.
\chapter{Chapter Title emboldens %
0 and $\infty$ but not $0$ nor $x_{0}$ nor $MathText$%
Some text
with an indexed \textbf{word}\INDEX[]{word} and indexed math $\boldsymbol{x_{0}}$\INDEX[x0]{$x_{0}$}:
\section{Section Title emboldens %
0 and $\infty$ as well as $0$ and $x_{0}$ and $MathText$%
A bit more text and finally:
Subsection Title emboldens %
0 and $\infty$ %
but not $0$ nor $x_{0}$ nor $MathText$. %
However %
$\boldsymbol{MathText}$, %
$\boldsymbol{x_{0}}$ and %
$\bm{0}$ all work.%
Plus just a tiny little bit of text%
with a referenced \DEX[word]{word} %
which was indexed in \Cref{1-0-0} \nameref{1-0-0} on \Cpageref{1-0-0}
\phantomsection%otherwise, clicking on index in toc gets to GNU