




Lang == Esp



   {I love you.}
   {Te quiero.}



您可以使用如下方法,我用它来创建 CV 文档的各种版本。




\ifthenelse{\boolean{somevariable}}{Text if somevariable is true.}{Text if somevariable is false.}








\emph{The Tau Manifesto} is dedicated to one of the most important numbers in
mathematics, perhaps \emph{the} most important: the \emph{circle constant} relating
the circumference of a circle to its linear dimension. For millennia, the circle has
been considered the most perfect of shapes, and the circle constant captures the
geometry of the circle in a single number. Of course, the traditional choice for
the circle constant is $\pi$--but, as mathematician Bob Palais notes in his
delightful article ``$\pi$ Is Wrong!'', $\pi$ \emph{is wrong}. It's time to set
things right.

\emph{El Manifiesto de Tau} está dedicado a uno de los números más importantes en
matemáticas, quizás \emph{el} más importante: la \emph{constante de círculo} que relaciona
la circunferencia de un círculo con su dimensión lineal. Durante milenios, el círculo ha
sido considerado la forma más perfecta, y la constante del círculo captura la
geometría del círculo en un solo número. Por supuesto, la elección tradicional para
la constante de círculo es $\pi$--pero, como señala el matemático Bob Palais en su
artículo encantador ``$\pi$ Is Wrong!'', $\Pi$ \emph{es incorrecto}. Es hora de arreglar las cosas.




\input docstrip % Loads the docstrip program
% Optional switches
\askforoverwritefalse % Allows it to overwrite older files without asking
\keepsilent % Reduces verbosity
\nopreamble % Removes preamble
\nopostamble % removes postamble
% Separating sources:
% Exiting

它将根据 中english.tex标记为 的部分生成一个文件,并根据中标记为 的部分生成另一个文件。 中未标记的部分将进入两个输出文件。<english>source.dtxspanish.tex<spanish>source.dtxsource.dtx

要执行此操作,您只需在安装文件上运行 TeX:

> pdftex installation.ins




\emph{The Tau Manifesto} is dedicated to one of the most important numbers in
mathematics, perhaps \emph{the} most important: the \emph{circle constant} relating
the circumference of a circle to its linear dimension. For millennia, the circle has
been considered the most perfect of shapes, and the circle constant captures the
geometry of the circle in a single number. Of course, the traditional choice for
the circle constant is $\pi$--but, as mathematician Bob Palais notes in his
delightful article ``$\pi$ Is Wrong!'', $\pi$ \emph{is wrong}. It's time to set
things right.



您可以使用 iflang 包:


\IfLanguageName{english}{This is english}{This is not english}

\IfLanguageName{ngerman}{Das ist deutsch}{Das ist nicht  deutsch}


\IfLanguageName{english}{This is  english}{This not english}

\IfLanguageName{ngerman}{Das ist deutsch}{Das ist nicht deutsch}




您可以使用另一个 TeX 引擎 ConTeXt 非常顺利地完成此操作。它有一个模式选项,您可以将其作为选项传递。使用 进行编译时mode=thismode,正确\startmode[thismode] \stopmode对中包含的所有内容都将被解释。

这是 MWE


I love you
Te quiero.

context --mode=english mwe.tex将此 MWE 粘贴到 mwe.tex 中,并比较和的输出context --mode=espanol mwe.tex。如果您想让两个文本并排,context --mode=english,espanol mwe.tex请这样做。
