如何使用 tikzpicture 环境实现此用例图

如何使用 tikzpicture 环境实现此用例图

我正在使用TikZ-UML 手册第 3 章“用例图”的最后一个例子(第 34-35 页)



\WarningFilter{pgf}{Your graphic driver}        % FOR DELETE WARNING OF 'Package pgf Warning: Your graphic driver...'. From https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/63522/152550

\tikzumlset{fill usecase=white}



        \begin{umlsystem}[x=6] {Name of the system}
            \umlusecase[name=a,width=2.5cm] {Use case a}
            \umlusecase[name=b,x=6,width=2.5cm] {Use case b}
            \umlusecase[name=c,x=6,y=-3,width=2.5cm] {Use case c}
            \umlusecase[name=d,y=-3,width=2.5cm] {Use case d}

        \umlactor[y=-1] {Actor 1}
        \umlactor[y=-3] {Actor 2}
        \umlactor[x=18] {Actor 3}

        \umlassoc{Actor 1}{a}
        \umlassoc{Actor 2}{a}



What I have


  1. Name of the system标签放在矩形外面(其上方)。
  2. ≪extend≫≪include≫标签置于其线条上方。
  3. Actor 3向下(或向上)弯曲和之间的关联Use case 1(而不是\umlassoc{Actor 3}{a}因为它与重叠\umlextend{a}{b})。


What I want





正如 John Kormylo 所建议的,您可以通过混合常规 TikZ 绘图命令来实现这一点。

  1. 对于系统的名称,设置标题为umlsystem空,并在其后立即\end{umlsystem}添加

    \node [above] at (current bounding box.north) {Name of the system};
  2. 虽然可以重新定义\umlrelation宏以将“立体声”放置在线条旁边,但使用以下方法手动绘制它们可能同样容易

    \draw [tikzuml dependency style] (a) -- node[above] {$\ll \text{extend} \gg$} (b);
    \draw [tikzuml dependency style] (d) -- node[above] {$\ll \text{include} \gg$} (c);

    坐标对应于您为四个 s 赋予的名称\umlusecase(带有name=a等)。

  3. 演员被放置在具有您为演员命名的节点中,因此a和之间的弯曲关联Actor 3可以用

    \draw [tikzuml association style] (a) to[bend right=10] (Actor 3);

enter image description here

\tikzumlset{fill usecase=white}

        \begin{umlsystem}[x=6] {} % empty title
            \umlusecase[name=a,width=2.5cm] {Use case a}
            \umlusecase[name=b,x=6,width=2.5cm] {Use case b}
            \umlusecase[name=c,x=6,y=-3,width=2.5cm] {Use case c}
            \umlusecase[name=d,y=-3,width=2.5cm] {Use case d}
        \node [above] at (current bounding box.north) {Name of the system};

        \umlactor[y=-1] {Actor 1}
        \umlactor[y=-3] {Actor 2}
        \umlactor[x=18] {Actor 3}

        \umlassoc{Actor 1}{a}
        \umlassoc{Actor 2}{a}

        % \umlextend{a}{b}
        % \umlinclude{c}{d}

        % manual versions of the above
        \draw [tikzuml dependency style] (a) -- node[above] {$\ll \text{extend} \gg$} (b);
        \draw [tikzuml dependency style] (d) -- node[above] {$\ll \text{include} \gg$} (c);

        % bent association
        \draw [tikzuml association style] (a) to[bend right=10] (Actor 3);

