我需要一些帮助。这是我第二次使用 Tikz,我正在尝试在乳胶中绘制以下内容。 。我开始用脚本使用 TiKz 绘制多输入多输出系统图 我尝试查找如何修改它以使其看起来像我想要的那样,但没有成功。非常感谢您的帮助。
node distance = 4mm and 22mm]
\node (adc) [draw,minimum size=24mm] {ADC};
\coordinate[above left = of adc.west] (a1);
\coordinate[below = of a1] (a2);
\coordinate[below = of a2] (a3);
\coordinate[above right= 8mm and 22mm of adc.east] (b1);
\coordinate[above right = of adc.east] (A1);
\coordinate[below = of A1] (A2);
\coordinate[below = of A2] (A3);
\coordinate[above left= 8mm and 22mm of adc.west] (b2);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {X,Y,Z}
\draw[-latex'] (a\xi) node[left] {\i} -- (a\xi-| adc.west);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {A,B,C}
\draw[-latex'] (A\xi-| adc.east) -- (A\xi) node[right] {\i};
****** 更新 有人能帮我对齐下面代码中的输入和输出箭头吗(来自@marmot 的以下回答)。谢谢
\tikzset{% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/156990/121799
dots/.style args={#1per #2}{%
line cap=round,
dash pattern=on 0 off #2/#1
\node (adc) [draw,minimum size=24mm]at (0,0) {ADC} ;
\coordinate[right=3.5cm of adc] (r);
\coordinate[below=1cm of adc] (b);
\foreach \X/\Z [count=\Y] in {0.1/1,0.7/2,1.8/n}
\node[below left=\X*1cm and 2cm of adc.north west] (y\Y) {$x_\Z$};
\draw[->] (y\Y) -- (y\Y-|adc.west) coordinate[pos=\Y/4] (aux\Y);
\node[draw,below right=\X*1cm and {(2.5-\X)*1cm} of adc.north east,circle,inner sep=3pt] (y'\Y) {};
% \node[below left=\Y*1cm and 2cm of adc.north west] (y'\Y) {$\hat{x}_\Z$};
% \draw[->] (y'\Y-|adc.east) -- (y'\Y);
\draw[->] (y'\Y-|adc.east)node[above right]{$\hat{x}_\Z$} -- (y'\Y);
\draw[->] (y'\Y) -- (y'\Y-|r) node[right]{$r_\Z$};
\draw[->] (aux\Y) |- ([yshift={(-1+\Y*0.5)*1cm}]b) -| (y'\Y);
\draw[very thick,dots={6 per 1cm}] ([yshift=1mm]aux3) -- ([yshift=-1mm]aux2 -| aux3);
\draw[very thick,dots={6 per 1cm}] ([yshift=1mm]y'3.north) -- ([yshift=-1mm]y'2 -| y'3);
\tikzset{% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/156990/121799
dots/.style args={#1per #2}{%
line cap=round,
dash pattern=on 0 off #2/#1
\node (adc) [draw,minimum size=24mm]at (0,0) {ADC} ;
\coordinate[right=4cm of adc] (r);
\coordinate[below=1cm of adc] (b);
\foreach \X/\Z [count=\Y] in {0.1/1,0.5/2,1.8/n}
{\node[below left=\X*1cm and 2cm of adc.north west] (y\Y) {$y_\Z$};
\draw[->] (y\Y) -- (y\Y-|adc.west) coordinate[pos=\Y/4] (aux\Y);
\node[draw,below right=\X*1cm and {(2.5-\X)*1cm} of adc.north east,circle,inner sep=3pt] (y'\Y) {};
\draw[->] (y'\Y-|adc.east) -- node[pos=0.5,above]{$\widehat{y}_\Y$} (y'\Y);
\draw[->] (y'\Y) -- (y'\Y-|r) node[right]{$r_\Z'$};
\draw[->] (aux\Y) |- ([yshift={(-1+\Y*0.5)*1cm}]b) -| (y'\Y);
\draw[very thick,dots={6 per 1cm}] ([yshift=1mm]aux3) -- ([yshift=-1mm]aux2 -| aux3);
\draw[very thick,dots={6 per 1cm}] ([yshift=1mm]y'3.north) -- ([yshift=-1mm]y'2 -| y'3);