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[1] Moritz AR, Zamchek N (1946) 年轻士兵的突然和意外死亡。Arch Pathol 42: 459- 494。

[2] Janssen W, Naeve W (1975) Der plötzliche Tod aus natürlicher Ursache.引自:Müller B (Hrsg) Gerichtliche Medizin。 Springer,柏林海德堡纽约,Bd 1,2。Aufl。 248-304




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 Schouten K, Frasincar F 2016 Survey on aspect-level sentiment analysis, In:IEEE

Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28(3):813–830.


Pang B, Lee L, Vaithyanathan S 2002 Thumbs up?: sentiment classification using

machine learning techniques, In: Proceedings of the ACL-02 conference

on Empirical methods in natural language processing, 10:Association

for Computational Linguistics,79–86.




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 Schouten K, Frasincar F 2016 Survey on aspect-level sentiment analysis, In:IEEE

Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28(3):813–830.


Pang B, Lee L, Vaithyanathan S 2002 Thumbs up?: sentiment classification using

machine learning techniques, In: Proceedings of the ACL-02 conference

on Empirical methods in natural language processing, 10:Association

for Computational Linguistics,79–86.



