tikz/forest 中的层次结构图-级别选项

tikz/forest 中的层次结构图-级别选项

基于这个层次图在 tikz 中使用 forest 包,我想要一个修改后的版本。目前我有


\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, shapes.geometric, calc, shadows}

% colors

  rect/.append style   = {rectangle, rounded corners = 2pt,
                         inner color = col6in, outer color = col6out},
  ellip/.append style  = {ellipse, inner color = col5in,
                          outer color = col5out},
  orect/.append style  = {rect, font = \sffamily\bfseries\LARGE,
                         text width = 325pt, text centered,
                         minimum height = 10pt, outer color = col7out,
                         inner color=col7in},
  oellip/.append style = {ellip, inner color = col8in, outer color = col8out,
                          font = \sffamily\bfseries\large, text centered}}

    for tree={
      line width=1pt,
            child anchor=north,
      parent anchor=south,
            drop shadow,
            l sep+=12.5pt,
            edge path={
        \noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
          >={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->, \forestoption{edge}]
          (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-5pt) -|
          (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
            where level={3}{tier=tier3}{},
            where level={0}{l sep-=15pt}{},
            where level={1}{
        if n={1}{
          edge path={
            \noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
              >={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->,
              (!u.west) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
          edge path={
            \noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
              >={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->,
              (!u.east) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
    [Light Detection and Ranging\\LiDAR, inner color=col1in, outer color=col1out
    [Scanning, inner color=col2in, outer color=col2out
      [Spinning head\\with single-spot\\sensors, inner color=col4in, outer color=col4out]
      [Moving mirrors/\\prisms, inner color=col4in, outer color=col4out
                [Rotating/oscillating\\macro mirrors/prisms, inner color=col8in, outer color=col8out]
                [Oscillating MEMS\\mirror, inner color=col8in, outer color=col8out]
      [Optical phased-\\arrays, inner color=col4in, outer color=col4out]
    [Non-scanning (staring), inner color=col2in, outer color=col2out
      [Fixed (multi-)\\beam, inner color=col4in, outer color=col4out]
      [Diffuse light cone\\ ``FLASH'' LiDAR, inner color=col4in, outer color=col4out]


产生什么 在此处输入图片描述





这是通过calign=child, calign child=2向父节点添加选项来实现的。(请参阅森林文档的 §3.7.2“节点位置”)。

如果您想自动设置,您可以使用语法if n children=3



\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, shapes.geometric, calc, shadows}

% colors

  rect/.append style   = {rectangle, rounded corners = 2pt,
                         inner color = col6in, outer color = col6out},
  ellip/.append style  = {ellipse, inner color = col5in,
                          outer color = col5out},
  orect/.append style  = {rect, font = \sffamily\bfseries\LARGE,
                         text width = 325pt, text centered,
                         minimum height = 10pt, outer color = col7out,
                         inner color=col7in},
  oellip/.append style = {ellip, inner color = col8in, outer color = col8out,
                          font = \sffamily\bfseries\large, text centered}}

    for tree={
      line width=1pt,
            child anchor=north,
      parent anchor=south,
            drop shadow,
            l sep+=12.5pt,
            edge path={
        \noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
          >={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->, \forestoption{edge}]
          (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-5pt) -|
          (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
            where level={3}{tier=tier3}{},
            where level={0}{l sep-=15pt}{},
            where level={1}{
        if n={1}{
          edge path={
            \noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
              >={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->,
              (!u.west) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
          edge path={
            \noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
              >={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->,
              (!u.east) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
    [Light Detection and Ranging\\LiDAR, inner color=col1in, outer color=col1out
    [Scanning, inner color=col2in, outer color=col2out,calign=child, calign child=2
      [Spinning head\\with single-spot\\sensors, inner color=col4in, outer color=col4out]
      [Moving mirrors/\\prisms, inner color=col4in, outer color=col4out
                [Rotating/oscillating\\macro mirrors/prisms, inner color=col8in, outer color=col8out]
                [Oscillating MEMS\\mirror, inner color=col8in, outer color=col8out]
      [Optical phased-\\arrays, inner color=col4in, outer color=col4out]
    [Non-scanning (staring), inner color=col2in, outer color=col2out
      [Fixed (multi-)\\beam, inner color=col4in, outer color=col4out]
      [Diffuse light cone\\ ``FLASH'' LiDAR, inner color=col4in, outer color=col4out]



另一种选择是before computing xy={s/.average={s}{siblings}}在节点“移动镜子/\棱镜”处使用。通过一些努力使你的 MWE 更短(对我来说更美观),MWE 是:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, shadows, shapes.geometric}
% colors


    for tree={
E/.style = {ellipse, draw=linecol, line width=1pt,
            inner color=#1!15, outer color=#1!45, % nodes color
            inner xsep=-1pt, font=\sffamily\bfseries,
            align=center, drop shadow}, % nodes style with parameter for color
 child anchor = north,
parent anchor = south,
        s sep = 4mm,    % "sibling distance"
        l sep = 8mm,    % "level distance"
         edge = {draw=linecol, line width=1pt, -{Stealth[length=7pt]}, % common style for all edges
                 rounded corners},
    edge path = {\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge}]
          (!u.parent anchor) -- + (0,-4mm) -| (.child anchor);},
            where level={2}{tier=tier2}{},% nodes on the level 2
                                          % (from top) are vertically aligned
                                          % on the top is level 0
            where level={1}{
        if n={1}{edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge}]
              (!u.west) -| (.child anchor);}
                }{edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge}]
              (!u.east) -| (.child anchor);},
                            }{}% end of level 1
                }% end for tree
    [LiDAR\\ (Light Detection\\and Ranging), E=red
        [Scanning, E=green
            [Spinning head with\\single-spot sensors, E=teal]
            [Moving mirrors/\\prisms, E=teal,
             before computing xy={s/.average={s}{siblings}}
             % or calign=child, calign child=2
                [Rotating/oscillating\\macro mirrors/prisms, E=orange]
                [Oscillating MEMS\\mirror, E=orange]
            [Optical phased-\\arrays, E=teal]
        [Non-scanning\\ (staring), E=green
              [Fixed (multi-)\\beam, E=teal]
              [Diffuse light cone\\ ``FLASH'' LiDAR, E=teal]



