



[1] N. Bahcall、JP Ostriker、S. Perlmutter 和 PJ Steinhardt,Science 284, 1481 (1999);AG Riess 等人,Astron. J. 116, 1009 (1998);S. Perlmutter 等人,Astron. J. 517, 565 (1999);CL Bennett 等人,Astronphys. J. Suppl. Ser. 148, 1 (2003)。


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       author = {Riess, Adam G. and Filippenko, Alexei V. and Challis, Peter and Clocchiatti, Alejandro and Diercks, Alan and Garnavich, Peter M. and Gilliland, Ron L. and Hogan, Craig J. and Jha, Saurabh and Kirshner, Robert P. and Leibundgut, B. and Phillips, M. M. and Reiss, David and Schmidt, Brian P. and Schommer, Robert A. and Smith, R. Chris and Spyromilio, J. and Stubbs, Christopher and Suntzeff, Nicholas B. and Tonry, John},
        title = {Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant},
      journal = {Astron. J.},
         year = 1998,
        month = Sep,
       volume = {116},
        pages = {1009-1038},
          doi = {10.1086/300499},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {astro-ph/9805201},
 primaryClass = {astro-ph},
       author = {Bahcall, N. A. and Ostriker, J. P. and Perlmutter, S. and Steinhardt, P. J.},
        title = {The Cosmic Triangle: {Revealing} the State of the Universe},
      journal = {Science},
         year = 1999,
        month = May,
       volume = {284},
        pages = {1481},
          doi = {10.1126/science.284.5419.1481},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {astro-ph/9906463},
 primaryClass = {astro-ph},
       author = {Perlmutter, S. and Aldering, G. and Goldhaber, G. and Knop, R. A. and Nugent, P. and Castro, P. G. and Deustua, S. and Fabbro, S. and Goobar, A. and Groom, D. E. and Hook, I. M. and Kim, A. G. and Kim, M. Y. and Lee, J. C. and Nunes, N. J. and Pain, R. and Pennypacker, C. R. and Quimby, R. and Lidman, C. and Ellis, R. S. and Irwin, M. and McMahon, R. G. and Ruiz-Lapuente, P. and Walton, N. and Schaefer, B. and Boyle, B. J. and Filippenko, A. V. and Matheson, T. and Fruchter, A. S. and Panagia, N. and Newberg, H. J. M. and Couch, W. J. and {The Supernova Cosmology Project}},
        title = {Measurements of {\ensuremath{\Omega}} and {\ensuremath{\Lambda}} from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae},
      journal = {Astrophys. J.},
         year = 1999,
        month = Jun,
       volume = {517},
        pages = {565-586},
          doi = {10.1086/307221},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {astro-ph/9812133},
 primaryClass = {astro-ph},
       author = {Bennett, C. L. and Halpern, M. and Hinshaw, G. and Jarosik, N. and Kogut, A. and Limon, M. and Meyer, S. S. and Page, L. and Spergel, D. N. and Tucker, G. S. and Wollack, E. and Wright, E. L. and Barnes, C. and Greason, M. R. and Hill, R. S. and Komatsu, E. and Nolta, M. R. and Odegard, N. and Peiris, H. V. and Verde, L. and Weiland, J. L.},
        title = {First-Year {Wilkinson} {Microwave} {Anisotropy} {Probe} ({WMAP}) Observations: {Preliminary} Maps and Basic Results},
      journal = {Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser.},
         year = 2003,
        month = Sep,
       volume = {148},
        pages = {1-27},
          doi = {10.1086/377253},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {astro-ph/0302207},
 primaryClass = {astro-ph},





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