我正在使用 TikZ 代码这个答案。我希望每个矩形中的文本都位于矩形的左上角。我已经设法通过在align=center
中替换 来将文本移到左侧\tikzset
% These set the width of a day and the height of an hour.
% The entry style will have two options:
% * the first option sets how many hours the entry will be (i.e. its height);
% * the second option sets how many overlapping entries there are (thus
% determining the width).
\tikzset{entry/.style 2 args={
anchor=north west,
line width=0.4pt,
inner sep=0.3333em,
text width={\daywidth/#2-0.6666em-0.4pt},
minimum height=#1*\hourheight,
% Start the picture and set the x coordinate to correspond to days and the y
% coordinate to correspond to hours (y should point downwards).
% First print a list of times.
\foreach \time/\ustime in {8/8am,9/9am,10/10am,11/11am,12/12pm,13/1pm,14/2pm,15/3pm,16/4pm,17/5pm,18/6pm}
\node[anchor=north east] at (1,\time) {\ustime};
% Draw some day dividers.
\draw (1,6.5) -- (1,19);
\draw (2,6.5) -- (2,19);
\draw (3,6.5) -- (3,19);
% Start Monday.
\node[anchor=north] at (1.5,6.5) {Monday};
% Write the entries. Note that the x coordinate is 1 (for Monday) plus an
% appropriate amount of shifting. The y coordinate is simply the starting
% time.
\node[entry={4}{2}] at (1,8) {Virtual Reality};
\node[entry={3}{2}] at (1.5,8) {Realtime Network};
\node[entry={3}{1}] at (1,13) {EOSA};
% The same for Tuesday.
\node[anchor=north] at (2.5,6.5) {Tuesday};
\node[entry={3.5}{3}] at (2,9) {Class A};
\node[entry={2.5}{3}] at (2.33333,9.5) {Class B};
\node[entry={2.5}{3}] at (2.66667,10) {Class C};
您可以简单地使用text height
和text depth
设置来玩inner ysep=0ex
% These set the width of a day and the height of an hour.
% The entry style will have two options:
% * the first option sets how many hours the entry will be (i.e. its height);
% * the second option sets how many overlapping entries there are (thus
% determining the width).
\tikzset{entry/.style 2 args={
anchor=north west,
line width=0.4pt,
inner xsep=0.3333em,
inner ysep=0ex,
text width={\daywidth/#2-0.6666em-0.4pt},
text height=2.5ex,
text depth=#1*\hourheight-2.5ex,
% Start the picture and set the x coordinate to correspond to days and the y
% coordinate to correspond to hours (y should point downwards).
% First print a list of times.
\foreach \time/\ustime in {8/8am,9/9am,10/10am,11/11am,12/12pm,13/1pm,14/2pm,15/3pm,16/4pm,17/5pm,18/6pm}
\node[anchor=north east] at (1,\time) {\ustime};
% Draw some day dividers.
\draw (1,6.5) -- (1,19);
\draw (2,6.5) -- (2,19);
\draw (3,6.5) -- (3,19);
% Start Monday.
\node[anchor=north] at (1.5,6.5) {Monday};
% Write the entries. Note that the x coordinate is 1 (for Monday) plus an
% appropriate amount of shifting. The y coordinate is simply the starting
% time.
\node[entry={4}{2}] at (1,8) {Virtual Reality};
\node[entry={3}{2}] at (1.5,8) {Realtime Network};
\node[entry={3}{1}] at (1,13) {EOSA};
% The same for Tuesday.
\node[anchor=north] at (2.5,6.5) {Tuesday};
\node[entry={3.5}{3}] at (2,9) {Class A};
\node[entry={2.5}{3}] at (2.33333,9.5) {Class B};
\node[entry={2.5}{3}] at (2.66667,10) {Class C};
以采用 3 个参数,最后一个参数是文本。并且您需要at
% These set the width of a day and the height of an hour.
% The entry style will have two options:
% * the first option sets how many hours the entry will be (i.e. its height);
% * the second option sets how many overlapping entries there are (thus
% determining the width).
\tikzset{entry/.style n args={3}{
anchor=north west,
line width=0.4pt,
inner sep=0.3333em,
text width={\daywidth/#2-0.6666em-0.4pt},
minimum height=#1*\hourheight,
node contents={\begin{minipage}[t][\myheight pt]{\mywidth pt}#3
% Start the picture and set the x coordinate to correspond to days and the y
% coordinate to correspond to hours (y should point downwards).
% First print a list of times.
\foreach \time/\ustime in {8/8am,9/9am,10/10am,11/11am,12/12pm,13/1pm,14/2pm,15/3pm,16/4pm,17/5pm,18/6pm}
\node[anchor=north east] at (1,\time) {\ustime};
% Draw some day dividers.
\draw (1,6.5) -- (1,19);
\draw (2,6.5) -- (2,19);
\draw (3,6.5) -- (3,19);
% Start Monday.
\node[anchor=north] at (1.5,6.5) {Monday};
% Write the entries. Note that the x coordinate is 1 (for Monday) plus an
% appropriate amount of shifting. The y coordinate is simply the starting
% time.
\node at (1,8) [entry={4}{2}{Virtual Reality}];
\node at (1.5,8) [entry={3}{2}{Realtime Network}];
\node at (1,13) [entry={3}{1}{EOSA}];
% The same for Tuesday.
\node[anchor=north] at (2.5,6.5) {Tuesday};
\node at (2,9) [entry={3.5}{3}{Class A}];
\node at (2.33333,9.5) [entry={2.5}{3}{Class B}];
\node at (2.66667,10) [entry={2.5}{3}{Class C}] ;
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
box/.style args = {#1/#2/#3}{draw, text width=#1, minimum height=#2,
label={[text width=#1, anchor=north west]north west:#2},
outer sep=0pt}
\node (n1) [box=44mm/22mm/{some text in\\ top left corner}] {};
\node (n2) [box=33mm/11mm/some text,
below right=of n1.south west] {};