\usepackage[pdftex, bookmarksnumbered, pagebackref, colorlinks=true, citecolor=Blue, linkcolor=DarkBlue!30!Black, urlcolor=Black,bookmarksopen]{hyperref}
\makeindex[columns=3, title=Alphabetical Index, intoc]
to all my family
hello world
In this example several keywords\index{keywords} will be
used which are important and deserve to appear in
Header & Header \\
\caption[Table caption text]{This is a table with a very long caption text
and it would be nice to use the short caption in the bookmark}
\label{table 1}
Terms like generate\index{generate} and some\index{others}
will also show up. Terms in the index can also be
nested \index{Index!nested}
\section{Second section}
This second section\index{section} may include some special
\caption{Figure caption text}
\label{figura 1}
word, and expand the ones already used\index{keywords!used}.
\usepackage[pdftex, bookmarksnumbered, pagebackref, colorlinks=true, citecolor=Blue, linkcolor=DarkBlue!30!Black, urlcolor=Black,bookmarksopen]{hyperref}
\makeindex[columns=3, title=Alphabetical Index, intoc]
to all my family
hello world
In this example several keywords\index{keywords} will be
used which are important and deserve to appear in
\pdfbookmark[2]{Table \thetable: Table caption text}{mytable}
Header & Header \\
\caption[Table caption text]{This is a table with a very long caption text
and it would be nice to use the short caption in the bookmark}
Terms like generate\index{generate} and some\index{others}
will also show up. Terms in the index can also be
nested \index{Index!nested}
\section{Second section}
This second section\index{section} may include some special
\pdfbookmark[2]{Figure \thefigure: Figure caption text}{myfigure}
\caption{Figure caption text}
word, and expand the ones already used\index{keywords!used}.